[8] ➥ 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 ?

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!! spoilers for season 3-4 !!

TW : blood, eating humans


it's been a few weeks since you and pieck have broken up. and yelena left a few days after you got out of the hospital. you and pieck haven't said a word to each other since the break-up. you were planning on forgiving her but you just didn't know if she would trust you or believe what you say.

but today, however one of the most important days for you.

[ monday 9:32 ]

you had just left your bedroom to go talk to zeke. you weren't allowed to call zeke your father in public. he didn't want the world to know that he had a daughter when he was a teenager. you walked into his bedroom when he was just lookin outside the window. you shut the door and asked,

"y/n, you know what today is. right ?"
"what is today ?"
"the day i inherit the bomb titan."
"very good. are you ready for it ?"
"good. you know how powerful this titan's powers are, right ?"
"yes sir."
"alright then. you may go now."

you left zeke's room and walked down the stairs. as you walked downstairs, you passed by the one and only pieck. you both looked at each other and then continued walking in opposite directions. once you were on the last step, pieck spoke and said,

"hey uhm, good luck. for you know, the titan thing."

then you guys continued to walk.

[ a few hours later ]

it was around let's say 2:43. it was almost time for you to inherit the powers of the bomb titan. the way that this was going to work is the same way how porco did with ymir. you were going to eat the person with the abilities of the bomb titan. it was a man, and he looked about 30 or so. someone had then called you into a room, where you saw the man chained up. you were nervous and gulped up your saliva. you stood in front of him, he looked as if he had already accepted his fate. you felt so bad, but you had to do this. you looked over to the guards next to him and nodded. one of them walked up next to you, and opened a small box. you looked up and closed your eyes while you felt a pinch in your arm. you heard footsteps and a door close.

you were now a titan. as soon as you saw the man, you grabbed him. you put half of his body in your mouth. he didn't scream. he didn't care anymore. you bit off his limbs. there was blood everywhere.

you were now out of titan form. you walked outside the room and everyone looked at you. zeke walked up to you and asked,

"well ?"
"i did it."
"good job. make sure to use your power wisely."
"yes sir."

porco and pieck then walked up to you. porco hugged you and said,

"congrats, y/n !! "
"thanks porco."

you looked at pieck and saw she was looking the opposite direction. she spoke up but didn't look at you.

"thank you, pieck."
"y-know pieck, it's a bit rude that you don't look people in the eye while talking to them."

you smiled at her and she looked at you finally. she made a small giggle. your face was lit up, since pieck has never laughed at anything you've said or done. she noticed your face and immediately looked away.

"well.. we should get going. bye y/n !! congrats again !"
"thank you !! bye porco ! bye pieck."

pieck didn't say anything back. you made a small and short frown.



oh my god, i am so sorry that it's taking me long to write chapters 😭 i am so so so sorry that i have to tell you guys this. as i said in my hitch story, the story will be ending soon. there will be a few more chapters, and that's it. i'm so sorry !! :( but there will be wayyy more stories for you guys to read on my profile !! you can go read the new hitch story, as well !! anyways, i hope you have a good day <3 byebye^^

word count : 734

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