[5] ➥ 𝐝𝐨𝐜. 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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TW : blood


pieck's pov :

we got to the hospital, and i saw yelena lay y/n in the hospital bed. i looked as my arms and legs, knowing that i wouldn't be able to do that for y/n. i then saw yelena use her hand to rub y/n's forehead. y/n slowly closed her eyes as if yelena made her calm. i gripped onto my crutch harder and left the room. i sat on a chair outside of y/n's room and put my crutches on the side of the chair. i put my hands on my face and made a noise like,


i heard the sound of someone sitting next to me and rubbing their hand on my back. i took my hands off my face and looked over to the person. it was porco.

"hey pieck. you doing okay ?"
"yeah, why wouldn't i be ?"
"because you don't look okay. is it about y/n and yelena, again ?"
"don't lie to me."
"fine, maybe."
"why are you so worried ? y/n likes you. and she's liked you for like what ? 2 years ?"
"two years ?? she only confessed to me a few months ago."
"was it not obvious ? and she's known yelena longer than you. if she liked yelena, wouldn't they be dating by now ?"
"i guess you're right. but what if-"
"nope. i don't want to hear it. you gotta trust y/n, pieck."
"i know, but-"
"pieck oh my god. you're lucky y/n hasn't broken up with you yet. if i was y/n, we would've been broken up a long time ago."
"hey !"

porco walked away from me as i furrowed my eyebrows to him. i sighed and got up with my crutches. i looked through the door and saw y/n and yelena sleeping. i made a small frown and walked away.


y/n's pov :

you woke up and saw yelena sleeping on a chair. you put my hand over her hand and rubbed her hand.

"hey, yelena."
"hmm ?"
"where's pieck ?"
"huh ? not sure, she left the room a few minutes after we got here."
"oh well i have to go find her."

you tried to sit up and stand but then you hit your wound. you put your hand over your stomach and scrunched up your face. yelena grabbed your hand and back putting you back onto the bed.

"oh no, you're not going anywhere. you're still hurt. i'm sure pieck will come back."
"but yelena-"
"y/n. i know you love her, but you have to take care of yourself."
"your surgery is going to be soon. are you ready ?"
"i don't know. i've never gone through surgery before."
"you'll be fine"
"i hope so."
"now rest for a bit, until the surgery."


a nurse came into the room telling you and yelena that it was time. yelena looked over to you. she smiled and nodded. you smiled back at her. the nurse started to push your bed outside the room. you started to look around and then you saw her. pieck. she was looking at the ground and then looked at you. her eyes widened and she tried her best to quickly walk over to you.

"y/n, is it time ?!"
"aha yeah."

pieck gulped and tried to put her hand over yours. you looked up to her and smiled. she blushed a little, but still looked worried. the nurse then pushed you into the surgery room and you waved goodbye to yelena and pieck. the hospital room door closed. yelena sat down on a chair while pieck was walking in circles nervous about the surgery.

[ 22 : 34 PM ]

the surgery was finally done. the doctor came out of the room to see yelena and pieck sleeping on the waiting chairs. he woke them up. pieck immediantly woke up and asked,

"is it done ? how is she ? is she okay ? what happened ?"

"don't worry. she lost some blood, but she's fine now. she's recovering, and we'll put her back into her original room later."
yelena spoke up and said,

"thank you so much, doctor."
"can we see her ?"
"yes of course, go ahead."

pieck and yelena walked into the room and found you sleeping peacefully.



oh my god, thank you guys so much ! we're so close to 1,000 reads !! that means so much to me. and i also changed the way i organize the stories. again thank you so much !! bye bye !<3

word count : 760

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