[4] ➥ 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐲

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TW : blood, cuts, knives, guns


this might kind of be a sad chapter, but you most likely won't cry.


y/n's pov :

you and yelena were walking on the streets.

"hey y/n ? are you okay ?.."
"yup. just fine."
"but you don't seem just fi-"
"yelena. i'm okay."
"y/n.. we can go somewhere private."

yelena pointed over to an alleyway. you looked over to the alleyway and looked back at her. you nodded, then you both walked over to the alley. you found a crate to sit on. you jumped and sat down. yelena rubbed your back with her hand.

"you can let it out now y/n."

you closed your eyes and started to cry. you kept sniffling and said,

"how come she doesn't trust me ?. i should be the one not trusting her !.."
"except for the fact that you love her and you do trust her. i know that you don't plan on breaking up with her."
"i-.. you're right.."
"of course i am. you guys should figure everything out before the festival."
"yeah i guess."

you wiped your tears and got off the crate. you hugged yelena and she patted on your head.

"thank you. for everything."

pieck's pov :

i knocked on porco's door and told him who i was. i walked in and started to sniffle. porco looked back at me and asked,

"what happened ?!"
"i think y/n is going to break up with me.."
"what ?! how do you know that ?!"
"well.. i saw yelena and her go into her room and close the door. so i went in and asked them a bunch of questions. i found out yelena slept in her room. so i thought she was cheating on me. then i ask her how do i know that she wasn't my lying. and then she asked if i didn't trust her. and i didn't answer. and now she thinks i don't trust her at all."
"damn. it does sound like you don't trust her."
"i messed up. and i don't know how to fix it."
"i think you guys need to talk and figure this out. it's the only way she could forgive you."
"okay, i'll do that. hey porco ?"
"hm ?"
"can i stay here bit ? if y/n comes back home, i'm sure i'm not the first thing she wants to see."
"oh, sure."
"thank you."

i laid onto porco's bed and continued crying a little bit.

y/n's pov :

you heard walking from behind you. you both looked from behind to see a man with ripped up clothes.

"give me all your money."

you looked at him with a straight face and said,

"y/n we should-"
"i said give me all your money."
"and i said no."
"y/n i really think we should-"
"really ? you don't want to give me your money ?"
"no i don't."
"okay then."

the man then stabbed you in the stomach. both your eyes and mouth opened. yelena looked terrified. the man quickly got your wallet as you put your hand over your stomach. before the man could leave, yelena brought out her gun and shot the man's leg. you fell down to the ground as she quickly grabbed your wallet. yelena ran back to you and carried you. yelena started running to the house.

𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮. - pieck finger & fem. reader Where stories live. Discover now