[2] ➥ 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝

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oh my lord, thank you guys so much for reading this story !! 😭


"hey shorty."
"you're still short."

yelena laughed as you crossed and pouted. but then eventually, you laughed with her. pieck saw you both laughing and walked down the stairs, struggling a bit with her crutches. she got down and switched one crutch to her other arm, holding her two crutches in one arm. she grabbed your waist to the side pulling you closer to her than yelena. she smiled at yelena and said,

"hey. have we met before ?? you look familiar."
"maybe you've seen me before, i'm good friends with y/n. the name's yelena. and you are ?"

pieck pulled you closer and harder.

"i'm pieck. y/n's girlfriend."
"oohhh i see. haha, i've heard of you."
"oh ?"
"yeah, you are definitely something."
"what is that supposed to mean."
"oh, nothing."

pieck made faint pissed face at yelena as yelena smirked. they just stared at each other without talking for a few seconds. you broke the silence by saying,

"haha well uhm, yelena how about you come in ?"
"thanks, y/n."

yelena smiled at you and you smiled back. pieck whispered to you,

"are you crazy ?? why did you bring someone in here ?? what if she finds out we're-"

you cut off her by saying,

"shh. she's only here for a few days, and i wanted to spend some time with her. please."
"ugh, fine. but if she tries anything."
"yeah, i know."

you said walking away to go follow yelena. you left pieck standing in front of the door. pieck grabbed one of ther crutches and put it under her other arm. she then left in anger because of yelena. you and yelena went to the kitchen to get a snack.

"hey yelena ?"
"hm ?"
"there's this festival this weekend, and my friends and i are going. do you want to come ?"
"sure ! a festival sounds fun. wait wait- remember the festival we went to when we were kids ??"
"PFT- yeah !"
"you ate those berries and you got a huge allergic reaction, it was hilarious !"
"my cheeks were so puffy !"

you sobbed as yelena laughed. you guys started to talk about old memories and laughed about every single one. but you guys didn't know that pieck had been hiding behind the door listening to you guys having such a great time. she was so annoyed.

pieck's pov :

what the hell. why is y/n inviting her. it's supposed to be just for us, porco, reiner, and the kids. not her. i left them alone and went to my room. i started to question myself. what if y/n leaves me for her ? what if she tries to kiss y/n ?? i won't let that happen. i went to go to porco's room. i knocked on the door and came in once i told him who i was. i laid on his bed and sighed.

"what's wrong, pieck ?"
"do you  know anything about that girl y/n invited here ?"
"well, not much. i only know that her name's yelena. why ? are you jealous~"

porco smirked. i sat up from the bed and yelled at porco.

"WHAT ?! ME ? JEALOUS ? no way porco, you're crazy."
"if you say so. but to be honest, you kind of deserve this."
"you do know that if yelena wasn't here talking to y/n, you wouldn't care about what happens to y/n. you wouldn't even talk to her at all. you're kind of a crappy girlfriend if you ask me."

i sat on porco's thinking about what would've happened if yelena never came.

"i.. i never thought about that."
"you said you didn't mind dating her, but you don't even talk to her,. you're always 'busy'."

porco air quoted.

"well, what should i do ??"
"i don't know. maybe talk to her more ?? show her that you care ?? just make sure yelena doesn't steal her from you. unless you don't care about y/n or who she dates."
"porco, you have to help me. i need to get y/n to like me more than yelena."
"but you don't eve know if they like each other. maybe they're just friends."
"but what if they're not."
"i really have no choice but to help you, do i."
"ugh, fine. i'll help you."

i looked at porco excited.

"thank you, thank you !!"
"okay now leave."


ahhh !! i'm so happy people are reading my stories !! 😁 thank you so so much !!

word count : 777

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