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tw : death, blood, guns, bombs

quick a/n.
god i'm so sorry for keeping u guys waiting for this chapter. ur nice comments abt this story made me cry a little lol. i appreciate u guys for getting my story to 29k+ reads.  i'm so so grateful. now enjoy the chapter :DD


you, gabi, and falco found a house while running. it was empty and far away from most of the bombs.  all of you were running inside the house until a bomb about 20 feet exploded. before the hot air hit you all, you pushed falco and gabi into the house. you fell onto the ground with bruises and blood all over you. you could hear the kids crying in the background. you tried to lift yourself up with your arms while another bomb exploded in the same spot. they both kept screaming your name as you whimpered in pain. gabi and falco waited for another bomb to come, and when there wasn't any, they both ran over to you. one of your arms were on one of their shoulders. you coughed out blood the whole time on your way to the house. they gently put you down against the wall inside the house. you put your hand over your stomach and tried to catch your breathe. the kids were watching as the bombs crushed, smashes, and destroy their home. falco quickly checked on you to see you bleeding and about to pass out. he ran over to you trying to make sure you're okay.

"y/n are you alright ??"

"yeah falco. ah ow. i'm fine.""but you're bleeding a lot. like a lot.""oh um.""guys !!.. we have to get out of here !! sooner or later, there's gonna be a bomb that hits this house."

gabi said. you looked over at falco and said,

"you guys have to go on without me. i'll just slow you guys down. i'll be fine."

"no !! we can't just leave you here. we'll figure something out !!""well guys if we're gonna figure something out, it better be fast these bombs are getting clos-"

gabi was cut off as a bomb exploded in front of the house. you and falco both screamed her name, and falco ran over to her. while falco was mkaing sure gabi was okay, you were trying to think of a safe plan to get out. that's when you remembered. you're the bomb titan. you quickly told falco and gabi,

"guys i have an idea on how i can get you guys out of here."

"what.""what do you mean, 'what' ?""you didn't say us. you said you guys. you're not coming with us ?.""falco i can't-""WHY NOT. IT'S NOT SAFE OUT THERE.""i know, but the other guys need me.""but you could-""i won't.""how are you so sure.""because i won't leave without saying goodbye. i got stabbed, and i'm still alive.""that was just a miracle.""falco. it's okay. i'll be fine once you guys are safe.""do you promise to come back ?""promise."

falco bit the inside of his cheek as you held your fist only with your pinky out to him.


falco intertwined his pinky with yours.

"you better come back safe."

"i will."

you smiled at falco as he smiled back. gabi crawled next to you.

"what's your plan ?"
"well since i am the bomb titan, i'll shift into my titan form and carry you guys in one of my hands over to the docks."
"how are you gonna transform ?"

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