[10] ➥ 𝐰𝐡𝐲..

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tw : death, self-harm, blood, bombs, weapons

slight spoilers for season 4 !!

quick a/n :
i completely forgot that pieck's legs don't work and i made her run last chapter. 😭🙏 PLS PRETEND REINER OR PORCO JUST HELPED HER UP </3

by the way, don't think that i can't see the inappropriate names you guys have when you vote or add my stories to your reading lists 😟😟😟


you, gabi, and falco were running and looking for a place to hide. you found this house and you pushed falco and gabi as a bomb exploded about 20 feet away. they both screamed your name as you got pushed away by the hot air. you fell to the ground with dirt and bruises all over you. your back hurt like hell. your legs couldn't move. you looked back to the house to see gabi and falco crying. they were about to run over to you until another bomb exploded in the same spot. your eyes squinted as you cover your face with one of your arms. once bombs stopped exploding near you, falco and gabi ran over to you, putting your arms over both their shoulders. they struggled carrying you over to the house, but you did end up making it. they put you down as you tried to catch your breath. one arm over your stomach and your mouth open trying to breathe. falco and gabi kept looking outside watching the bombs ruin the precious place they call home. falco turned his head over to you. there was blood all over you. he ran over to you and put his hand on your shoulder.

"y/n, are you okay ??"
"i'm fine."
"but you're bleeding everywhere."
"falco, i promise i'll be okay."

you and falco looked over to gabi. you then looked at falco.

"you should go."
"but we can't just leave you here !!"
"i'll just slow you down."
"no no no. we can't."

a bomb exploded in front of the house. gabi got pushed by the bomb's air to the wall.
you yelled,

"GABI !!"

falco ran up to gabi to make sure she's okay. while you were thinking of a plan. then it hit you. you were the bomb titan.

"w-w-wait ! falco !! i'm the bomb titan, right ?"
"yeah ? i think so.. why ?"
"because there's bombs outside !!"
"i don't follow."

gabi said confused asf.. 😥

"IT MEANS y/n can help us get out !!"
"OHHH... whoopsies."
"okay but i need to transform somewhere far from you guys. i might hurt you."
"but then you might end up hurting yourself !!"
"i'll go outside. stay here !!"
"y/n !!-"

falco yelled hoping you would come back. he was about to run after you but gabi stopped him by grabbing his arm. she made a face indicating that falco should trust y/n. he gulped his saliva and sat next to gabi. he was so worried.

on the way other hand,,,

you were outside looking for any bombs coming your way. you looked at your hand and grabbed your pocket knife. you cut your hand and started to transform. you looked for any other bombs and saw one right above you. you put your hand on it, it then turned into ashes. you slowly walked over to gabi and falco trying not to step on them. you laid yourself on the ground and patted your shoulder. you had one arm in the air to prevent any explode near you guys. gabi and falco quickly ran over and climbed onto your shoulder. you stood up, while putting over hand over gabi and falco. the other in the air still. you went to go find an escape for falco and gabi to stay in. you went to the docks. you gently put them down on a boat and walked away. falco yelled,

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