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a thud woke you from your slumber. you gasped and sat up, eyeing the cracked door that sealed off your room.

an intruder? a hero? is someone attacking?? you panicked and decided to investigate yourself. then you paused mid-step in the hallway as a thought passed through your mind—the fuck am i thinking? i can't defend myself, definitely not against anyone who dares to infiltrate the league's base.

you heard a pained moan. your eyes widened and suddenly, your healer instincts got the better of you. your quirk manifested along with a primal desire to heal—almost like a prey drive. doesn't matter if it's as small as a papercut, as long as you know about it, you can't ignore it. one touch, one heal, and you wouldn't have to think about it anymore.

you flew down the stairs, surprised that none of the other members woke up at the cacophonous creaking under your feet. when you reached the ground floor, you saw shigaraki laying on the floor, a small puddle of blood seeping out from his side.

"oh my gosh!" you walked closer, kneeling beside him, hands itching to erase his wound from existence. but his sharp warning flashed in your mind, and you willed your hands to remain in your lap. "what the fuck were you doing?"

"watch your tone, noob." he hissed at you as he propped himself up, stumbling to a nearby seat. "i'm your superior."

right. he's your boss. you weren't used to the hierarchal thing as yet, and you never thought you'd hear a fearsome leader drop a game term as a threat. you fought the urge to smile, figuring he wouldn't appreciate that much.

"let me just quickly heal you–" you offered.

"no, fuck off." he chided, wincing as he slid down on the chair. he would die before he let you put hands on him in such a caring and gentle way. he saw the way you handled the others. disgusting.

you fought your annoyance, your head snapping to a tilt. "you wanted me as a healer. what am i doing here if i can't work on you? you're bleeding. a lot. too much."

"i said go. away." he ripped off the hands that were on his body, setting them aside. blood stained his clothes, his stomach, his hands. you could see the wound, a clean slice along his withered dull skin. all it needed was just one touch from you and it would be off your conscience.

"you seriously want me to go back to sleep knowing you've got a critical wound? who's going to take care of you?" you tried to reason with him, scooting closer to him, leaning against the armrest of the chair. if he didn't agree, you'd probably do it anyway. you were already straining yourself holding back. "boss?" you added sweetly for good measure.

he scowled and glared at you, shifting to the other side of the chair away from you. "if you're gonna fit in here, you're gonna learn you need to follow my fucking orders the first time i say them. now be a good girl and go back to bed."

your eyes narrowed and you reacted before you could restrain yourself, your hand shooting out. he grabbed your wrist, squeezing it tight to restrain you. your eyes widened, flickering down to his fingers thankfully clad in artist's gloves.

shigaraki grit his teeth, enraged that you would come in and challenge him on your first day. who the fuck did you think you were? the disregard for his authority sent him over the edge. i could just get giran to get another healer. he thought as he flexed all five fingers, thinking about ripping off the fabric covering them and curling them gloveless around your wrist. he would not tolerate such disrespect.

but he thought again. it took a while for giran to get a good healer. and he didn't have the funds to commission him again. it annoyed him even more when he remembered how expensive you were. healers crazy enough to fight for the dark side was rare, if it ever occurred in the first place.

"do not touch me or act without my orders. you're my lackey." he said slowly, shoving your hand away. he stood and sent a death glare to you. your instincts wavered, overcome with survival instead of healing. "this is your first and last warning."

you stood down. "okay." you said quietly.

he walked away.

you stood there, contemplating whether to go after him despite the warning. with your adrenaline subsiding, the itch in your brain was coming back to the forefront of your brain. you needed to see it through. to heal that wound. it would plague your mind as you slept. you let out a whimper of defeat, shaking your head and heading to bed.

you returned to your worn cot, clutching the sheets to your body as you laid awake for hours.

he looked furious. he was going to kill you, over the very thing he recruited you for! you gulped, taking note not to ever pull something like that again. you needed to remember your place. you work in an organization now.

you sighed as sleep finally overcame you.

FUTURE QUEEN % tomura shigarakiWhere stories live. Discover now