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y/n was still in there. somewhere, i guess. but she wasn't in control right now.

you were bounding through the halls of overhaul's base, a completely different person. an apparition, almost, the dark ghost beneath your healing light. everyone had two sides to them. not everyone possessed the ability to bring power to their light and darkness.

you didn't exactly know what powers you possessed, but the way your body thrummed with energy was enough to indicate something changed-something big changed.

toga and twice. you remembered. toga and twice. you needed to meet up with those two. these walls couldn't hold you back!

you thrust your hand out. dark tendrils replaced the delicate stream of light you usually possessed. the snaking lines formed themselves into a hammer, and with a wave of your wrist, the wall blocking your path came crashing down.

in contrast with your aggressive display, you stepped over the debris daintily, skipping through the halls looking for your comrades. if you could get to them, you could help them! but you could also cause problems for them. but that didn't matter now! as long as you could do something! that'd be fun!

shigaraki could get mad. fuck him, honestly, it's about you now! who cared about that crusty asshole? he didn't believe or care about you, why should you do the same?

don't we like him? yeah, kinda. but whatever, he said we were done.

it's not about him anymore. you should go find your friends!! if you could kill someone, that'd be good too. maybe you could get that killer's craze dabi's always going on about.

on the flip side, you were the opposite of what the league knew you to be. you moved brazenly, your thoughts were beyond hostile, and you didn't care about the lives around you.

the serum was originally designed to test if a quirk's genetic code could be injected and sustained in a human. it was a project the doctor pursued a while back, abandoning it when all his test subjects withered into lifeless husks after the transfer. he only hoped that would happen to you! but whether it would tear your body apart or miraculously harvest the quirk properly was just another observation to put in the lab book.

what a good show. hopefully the news channels catch all of it for him to see.


that mario guy. eri was running away from him.

you had initially seen him as a foe. nobody could mistake the tacky colors and suits of a hero. but then you saw little eri who looked shaken beyond repair. eri didn't even notice you at first, she was so determined to run back to wherever she was coming from.

mario - or was it merio? mirio? - had stood up to fight you, registering you as a villain. but he wasn't your focus.

"wait, eri, come back!" mirio coughed. you glared at him and something snapped him back. you didn't think much of it at the time.

you jogged up to where her little feet pattered away at the cold floor, cutting her off and crouching before her.

"you... look different... kinda scary." eri said, warily approaching you. she was breathing heavy but the look of panic on her face calmed down.

you tilted your head, your rationality returning even if it was just a little bit. anything for this precious baby. "i don't know what's happening to me." you said, thinking lucidly. "can you... what do i look like?"

"well, you, uh... you're covered in black stuff. smoke. and your eyes are gone. but you're still y/n... right?"

you didn't quite understand her deductions but nodded. "of course. did that boy try to hurt you?"

"he was trying to save me." eri looked down at her feet. "but they keep getting hurt and it's because of me. i just want it to stop." her voice was a whisper.

"no, eri, it's because of kai." she flinched at the name. "nothing bad happens because of you. it's not your fault. you're a kid, and you deserved to be saved from this hell... so..." the heroes would give her a better life than you could provide her if you took her back to the league. you had no idea if the league would accept her, anyway. better to leave it to the heroes for once. "you let them save you, okay? do it for me if you can't do it for you."

she started to sniffle, her words blending together as she held in her sobs. "but they're getting hurt. they wanna save me but he's not letting them-"

"i know, i know. shh." you stroked her head. your period of clarity was fading, fast. "i have to go before i cause more problems here, but no matter what he says, it is not your fault and it never will be. so do yourself a favor for once, okay?"

you hugged her tightly before getting up to leave. you didn't want to. but you couldn't risk the havoc you would wreak if you went back into that state again. as much as you hated to admit, you couldn't risk getting in the way of the heroes' rescue operation. not if it was eri.

so you ran towards the familiar, taunting voices of toga and twice.

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