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nightfall came. you had spent the rest of the day training with toga. dabi had left. spinner, twice, and compress were playing a bunch of board games.

over the periodic sessions with toga, you had gotten better and better at fighting. you were able to stay standing longer, maybe a solid five minutes against her relentless attacks. you were mainly dodging but if you got lucky, you landed some good hits too.

you stepped out of the room to grab some water, shigaraki walking out of his room simultaneously. you nodded to him in acknowledgement.

shigaraki sat down as he watched you. your movements were all over the place yet you still held yourself high and never looked away from his stare. guess your overdrive gives you a lot more confident too. he mused.

"you didn't say anything." he spoke up, fiddling with his gloves.

"hmm?" you furrowed your eyebrows, unsure of what he was referring to.

"you're just... okay with associating with the yakuza?" he elaborated, looking you dead in the eyes. or... at least you thought. his father's hand was on again and you wished you could get another glimpse. you sipped from your glass.

"yeah, if that's what you decide to do, then i'm in complete support." you smiled, pushing down your doubts and questions for now.

he raised an eyebrow. you were unbearably naïve. unlike for the others, he hasn't proven himself as a leader yet to you  and still you trusted him. huh. it was refreshing.

your eyes were still trained on him inquisitively. he sighed. you were very obvious, and the signs of your closeted desires weren't lost on him. now that he thought about it, ever since your first day, you've been trying to get closer to him. he scoffed, a twisted satisfaction taking root in his heart. you were really good at playing to his ego, but he wasn't going to be seduced by you anytime soon—he was making sure of it.

"come with me." shigaraki said, wanting to test something.

you put your glass down. "again? do you need more healing?"

he said nothing, expecting you to follow him to his room which you so willingly did. shigaraki brought you with the full intent of having you touch him but now that he didn't have the injuries as an excuse, he didn't know what to say. "i..."

you nodded slowly, still focused on him and encouraging him with a warm smile.

ugh. he internally recoiled at the sight. your smile made him feel weird, all mushy and tingly inside.

"i need stress relief after working my ass off for you lazy shits. spend the night with me." he demanded with a glowering stare.

after you got over your initial shock, you struggled to conceal your growing smile.

"what?" he hissed. "i'm—"

"shut up." you grinned with a shake of your head, launching onto the bed. he watched you weirdly as you made yourself comfortable.

you were really glad he said that and brought you here because you were more than willing to comply. you suspected he was a wild case before you officially joined, but he was more entertaining than you could of imagined. you liked being around him, even if absolutely nothing was even the slightest bit clear between the two of you. but for your dignity, you had to ask.

FUTURE QUEEN % tomura shigarakiWhere stories live. Discover now