WARNING might contain some heavy stuff and a small mental breakdown.
I like Byakuya Togami. Never thought I'd ever form that sentence, but here we are.
I like him and now I'm just a mess of emotions.Nothing made sense anymore. Whenever I'm in the same room as him, my eyes keep darting over to him. I'm wary though I want to trust him. I ignore him, though I want to talk to him. I want to run away, yet I've nowhere to run to.
Like I said, I'm a mess.
Doubts and longings battle in my head, making me over think every single angle of it all, only to get in the middle of the crossfire myself.
Ah yes maybe I should try to pay attention to the teacher instead.
"Yes miss?" Some started snickering at my response. The teacher must've asked me something, though I can't for the life of me say what.
"Can you tell me the derivative of a cosine?" If I were paying attention maybe, but even then math is not my strong suit.
"Euhm... Sine?" Best to just answer something.
"Negative sine. Pay attention!"
"Yes miss." That could've gotten worse. She was a little more forgiving, because this was the first time something like this happened with me. Still, shouldn't push my nonexistent luck.
I sit back down and try to keep my eyes on the blackboard. Still everything the teacher was saying flew right over my head.
Luckily class ended 10 minutes after. Wel only for the next one to start a bit later, but still, maybe a 5 minute break is just what I need.
"Hey Makoto, you okay?" Hina is next to my desk shifting her weigtt back and forth from her toes to her heels. Sitting still is quite hard for her, so in between classes she's always moving. Not sure if she realises it herself though.
"Yeah I'm good. Why do you ask?"
"I dunno, you just seemed very distracted."
"Haha, guess I have to go to bed earlier." I tried to laugh it off, but uncharacteristically for Hina, she didn't buy it.
"Kyoko also noticed you've been keeping an eye out for Byakuya. Did he say something hurtful to you?" I almost fell out of my chair. Of course the ultimate detective would notice! Now that I'm reminded of my classmate's abilities, my anxiety is unmeasurable. Like I'm in a well with wands slick with moss. No matter how much I crawl, I keep sliding back to the bottom. Still, I don't want my classmates to think of him as an awful person. Especially after he'd been so nice to me lately.
"No no no, not at all! He didn't say anything to hurt me."
"Oooh so maybe the opposite then?"
"Uhm, what do you mean?"
"That maybe Byakuya hasn't been mean at all."
"Well, yeah that's what I just said."
"And that maybe you actually like him."
"Like... Him?"
"Like, like like him." Before I could stammer any nonsense in response she kept going.
"No need to hide something like that Makoto. This day and age it's perfectly fine for a boy to like another boy. Even with all the struggles, you just have to fight and pull through, because true love is worth all hardships!"
"Asahina stop it please!" The class went quiet. Everyone was staring at us, including Byakuya. Things could not have gone any worse. I just wanted to close my eyes, cover my head in my arms and cry my heart out untill everything and everyone dissapears. Instead I bowed my head.

Let's forget about the rest *Naegami oneshots*
FanfictionThis is not a relationship either wants to start. At least that's what they belief. Still the Togami heir and ultimate "luckster" often find themselves in weird situation where they seem to grow a little closer.