It was a cold day during the winter. Me and Makoto decided to go out on a date. With the cold weather, we wanted a nice simple date at a coffee shop.
That's where it all went wrong...
"Seriously? That disgusting looking joint at the corner near the station? It's always full of sweaty students and their coffee is mediocre at best." I said with annoyed at the mere suggestion.
"C'mon, the shop you're suggesting is way too expensive. Besides, they don't have any options other then coffee." The brunette countered.
"Naegi, you said you wanted to go to a coffee shop. Do you know what they sell at a coffee shop? I'll give you a hint. The clue is in the name." Maybe I shouldn't have said that, but in the monent all I wanted to do was prove my point.
"Well, yeah for the aesthetic mostly..."
"And if it is about money. You know that's not a problem when you go out with me." I continued after he seemed to not be able to say anymore.
"Cmon Byakuya! I don't want you to have to step in for me all the time!"
"So because you need to be kind to me, I need to go along with you against my will? "
"Forget it. Why do I even bother?" He opened the front door as a chill breeze enters the room.
"I'm going alone." Naegi said as he slams the door behind him.
"Fine then." I mutter to myself. We were going to have a nice day out today, but I suppose Naegi had other plans.
I could have gone outside to the coffee shop I wanted to go to... However, I didn't really feel like going out anymore. Instead I had booted up my laptop and started reworking some schedules.
About two hours later, I noticed how used I am to having Makoto around. Not that Makoto that loud a person. It's just a little... lonely now.
I sigh and close my eyes. I've never had trouble with this before I met him. But then again... I've never been as happy as I am with him before I met him either.
I should check up on him. Determined, I pick up my phone. Before I could press the button to turn it on, the screen lights up by itself.
A message from Asahina?
I unlock my phone to reveal the message.
'Get Ur ass over here, fancypants. Ur bf was out freezing in the cold w/o a coat and is too scared to go home.'
I go into the hallway and surely, his coat is still here hanging on the rack. How did I not notice that before?
As I put on my own, I text the swimmer back.
' Where is here exactly? '
As soon as I got the scarf on, I get what I assume to be her address as a response.
I jump in my car and head over to there as fast, but careful as I can. Its still freezing of course.
I know he's safe with Asahina. Still, I can't help but worry about him. How long was he outside in this weather? Was he really that upset with me, that he went out in this weather without a coat? He had to have realised he forgot it went he went outside. Even then he refused to go back inside to get it. I swear... He can be so stubborn about the most peculiar things.
Once I arrive, I nearly slip into the front door. Less than gracefull, my finger presses down the button to the doorbell. As the door creeps open, I am greeted by an upset Asahina. With her hands on her hips she leans over a bit, even though I'm taller than her.
"Go inside and make it right!" She scolds. Usually I don't take talk like that, but she's right. I know my place, and it is by Naegi's side.
"Yes, of course."
She turns around and beckons me to follow her. As we walk through the hallway, I hear sniffling coming from one of the open doors.
"He hates me. I know he does." Naegi... I freeze next to the doorway. He's crying like this because of me. Realising this, I feel hesitant to approach him. I don't want to make things worse.
"Just because I got upset over something stupid. I'm a horrible person!" I hear him sob between gasps of air. It was me who was unnecessarily stubborn. Before I know it, my feet move on their own. I walk into the room and see Naegi sitting on the couch next to Ogami. I make my way over to the couch and immediately take my boyfriend into a tight hug.
"Byakuya?" a meek voice asks against my chest.
"I'm sorry Naegi. " He sobs louder as I pat his head.
"I don't hate you. Please, don't ever think I would hate you. It was just a little couple's dispute."
He just sniffles and nods into my chest. I look up and see Asahina peeping through the doorway. Suddenly the hand of Ogami pops in to grab her and lead her away.
"I'm sorry Byakuya."
"I know. I'm sorry too." I look down and suddenly got an idea...
"How about we go home and make some hot chocolates ourselves?"
Makoto just seems like the kind of guy to take little fights like this waaaay to seriously.
Thanks for reading~

Let's forget about the rest *Naegami oneshots*
FanfictionThis is not a relationship either wants to start. At least that's what they belief. Still the Togami heir and ultimate "luckster" often find themselves in weird situation where they seem to grow a little closer.