Damned Ferris Wheel

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How did I even get myself into this mess?

The entire class decided to go to the fair. Of course, I wanted to refuse, but lately Makoto can be quite persuasive. Either that or I simply give in too easily to his puppy eyes.

At the fair our group got split up
Leaving me and Makoto by ourselves.

Everything was fine until Makoto wanted to go on the ferris-wheel together. Now, no one really knows this about me, but I've got a bad fear of heights. Naturally, the Ferris wheel is a no go for me. Besides it is just a way for peasants to feel like they are above it all. I reach new heights my own way, with my feet firmly on the ground.

But then there was Makoto, with his damned puppy eyes and innocent smile, shining with excitement...

So now I'm up here in a cheap metal cabinet a good couple of feet above my sweet sweet secure ground.

Makoto is not noticing my discomfort though as he is excitedly pointing at things through the window. That or he simply writes of my discomfort as disinterest.

"Oh hey! Maybe we can find the others from up here!"

I only hummed in response, keeping my eyes fixed on one point in the cart.

Then the cart shook roughly for a moment before stopping completely.

"Oh you've got to be joking." I mutter under my breath. But Makoto heard.

"Yeah, I thought these things only happens in movies or very cliché fanfictions." he says while looking straight at me. I did not respond or rather I couldn't. Swallowing, I averted my eyes to my feet.

Then Makoto stands up and cups my hands which were folded on my lap the entire time.

"Thank you for going on here with me." Despite your fear of height is what he means, but he didn't say that last part out loud. I don't even know why I though I could get up here without him figuring out I'm scared of height. Despite that, he chooses not to mention it, which I really appreciate. I really am lucky to have someone like him.

Right then the cart shifted violently again. Makoto lost his balance and fell on top of me. As a reflex I put my arms over him to keep him in place. This ended up with him sitting on my lap in what I can only imagine as an uncomfortable pose at the very least. Still I cling to him as if I would fall without him.

"Byakuya?" he looked up at me with curious eyes as the cart started moving again. So it wasn't broken then. That is a relief. Still I did not let go of Naegi.

Instead of trying to break loose, the boy started nuzzling in my arms. Only he would be able to get comfortable in that pose.

I sigh and try to focus on the brunette in my arms. His eyes are closed and his thumb is moving in circular motions over my knee, since that is the only place he can reach at the moment. He looks peaceful despite being in a crushing hug.

The cart shifted again and I start questioning the stability of this cheap metal piece of junk. But then there is Naegi again, pulling me away from my anxiety by hugging me back more.

I look back at him and see him smile gently at me. He's trying to subtly distract me from my fear instead of comforting me. I'm glad though. Being scared of height is humiliating enough, but having to be comforted because of it? I guess he realised that too.

If he wants to be a distraction though, I might have another idea in mind... Before I could decide, the cart shook again as if it was the final push I needed. My body reacted and closed the space between our lips.

Naegi jumped a bit at first, granted I wasn't as graceful as I wanted to be, but then relaxed into it. Now that I think about it... This is our first kiss isn't it? The feeling is definitely unfamiliar, but not unpleasant at all. Slowly I start to let Naegi go. In response he reaches up and cups my face before parting entirely.

"We need to get off now." he said with an obvious blush on his face. He wasn't embarrassed though as his face carried a loving smile.

I hadn't realised we were on the ground again before Naegi mentioned it.

"Ah yes right..."

Though the kiss was nice, I'm still never going on a Ferris wheel again.


Been a while huh?

Thanks for reading! ^^

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