WARNING This chapter contains smut and crossdressing, but you might have already guessed that.
___________________________________"Honestly, I'm never going to a bar with you ever again." I hear my boyfriend shout from the bathroom.
"You didn't have to accept the bet you know. Now come out here." I say impatiently while sitting on the bed. After a few more grumbles, the bathroom door finally opens. In the doorway stands Byakuya wearing a black victoriana style maid dress with a white frilly apron. The skirt stops a few inches above his knees, bearing his beautifully long and slender legs. Only there's one thing missing.
"You should shave your legs."
"I come out here wearing a maid dress and that's the first thing you have to say?"
"They're so hairy, they ruin the picture." I'm mostly teasing of course, but I just can't help myself. That and I do really want him to shave his legs.
The blond boy sighs in frustration and closes the bathroom door again. I couldn't help but giggle as I hear him turn on the tap and fumple in the cabinet.
After 15 minutes, the door opens once more and out comes Byakuya with clean, hairless legs.
"Am I now to your liking?" without saying a word, I slowly walk up to him and put my arms around his neck. My boyfriend was still looking at me with unamused eyes, but I will keep going. I stand on my toes and give him a soft kiss on the lips.
"Were you ever not?" He smiles at me and captures my lips again with his. This time the kiss was deeper and more passionate. I even started to fumble backwards a bit, but Byakuya supports me so I wouldn't fall down or break the kiss. We only did once we hit the frame of the bed.
"Hmmm I really wanted to see you in a dress though." The prodigy says with a smirk.
"Well, be nice and I might try it out myself." With that Byakuya put on an evil smile that sends shivers down my spine.
"Well played Makoto. Very well, then. What would you have me do?" I stand there baffled for a few moments. Do I just play along? What would he want me to say?
"It's a simple question my handsome. What do you want me to do? It could be anything you desire." Anything I desire huh? I don't want to go too far, but I also don't want to test his patience. He did say anything I desire.
"Take of your glasses and close your eyes." He looks a bit confused at me, but complied. His glasses are put on the desk in the room before he turns around to face me again. A sigh passes his lips as he closes his eyes. Not a sigh of annoyance, I'm sure. This one is different, like he is nervous or excited.
To be honest, so am I. Here he is before me. My beautifull, caring, clever, hardworking boyfriend wearing a maid dress. His eyes closed in anticipation, waiting for me to make a move. He looks so different without his glasses. I don't really know why, but he seems much more vulnerable. He chooses to be vulnerable around me.
"Makoto, what are you doing?" He says after admittedly a long time of me just staring at him.
"Ah sorry. Just keep your eyes closed for a little longer." he just nods as response. I need to make a move now, but I'm so bad at this. I walk up to him until I'm near inches in front of him. Standing this close to his face I can really see how calm he actually is. I study every facial feature, but this time I won't just stare. I use my index finger to cares his bottom lip. It's moist and a little plump still from our little make out session just now. They're so soft too. Not that I didn't notice already. I move hand to cup his cheek and stand om my toes again to press my lips against his. Byakuya did not move at all and just let me lead. Like I have any idea what I'm doing? I try to calm my nerves and give a little expirimental nibble on his lower lip. At that a shuddering sigh passes the blondes lips. That's a good sign then? I'll just keep going. So then I start to swith between licking, sucking and nibbling on my lover's bottom lip. Careful to not hurt him of course.

Let's forget about the rest *Naegami oneshots*
FanfictionThis is not a relationship either wants to start. At least that's what they belief. Still the Togami heir and ultimate "luckster" often find themselves in weird situation where they seem to grow a little closer.