I was working - Bang Chan

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TW//swear words

He stepped through the door. The familiar scent of your flat welcomed him, like everyday. But today was different.
He didn't like the scent at all. It smelled a bit like your perfume. And even though he liked it, it was like someone punched him in his face, over and over. A constant reminder of the mistake he had done.

It was 10pm. He said he was at the entertainment, working on a new song. And yes, at first he did that. But after some time, she stepped in. An idol from another group. Chan liked her, they were really good friends since she offered him to help him out with his work. But this time, things got a little heated unintentionally.

He still feels her lips on his own, how her hands were buried in his hair and how her lipstick was smudged all over his face.

He didn't know what he did. And he didn't know why he did this. He wanted to comfort himself with that, finding understanding and desire in that girl. He wanted to forget all the trouble that went on, the argument he had with you, his boy/girlfriend, before.

It was all too much.

But what felt right in the evening now feels like a stab in the heart, the knife getting pulled out and stabbed in again and again. His body was full of regret and every single minute he thought he couldn't take it anymore. Especially when you stumbled through the floor towards him.

"Chan...?", you asked with a sleepy voice. You rubbed your eyes with your hands, looking extremely tired. Wearing that oversized shirt of his, he could scream at that moment. All he wanted was to tell you the truth, but his body resisted. He didn't want things to end here, he believed that it was just a mistake he would never do again.

"It's 4 in the morning, what did you do for so long?" Your voice was quite, it shook a little. Chan could tell that you had cried, that argument you both had in the morning was quite extrem. And it broke him to see you like this. Knowing that you went trough the pain, crying your heart out, while he was with that other stupid girl having fun, trying to forget it all.

"I told you, I was working." The words slipped from his tongue instantly, so that one couldn't notice the lie in it. And you did neither. His tone was still cold, but not because of the argument. It was because he was afraid that he could spill everything in any second.

"You never come back from work that late. I stayed up for you.", you admitted.

It was right - you stayed up for him. You wanted to clear things up and explain everything. That argument had an effect like a big stone on your heart, pulling you down and making you weak. You wanted to talk about it with him, you wanted everything to be fine again. Little did you know that Chan had slept with another girl while you waited for him.

"You could have just went to sleep...", he mumbled, putting his coat and beanie off. He looked exhausted, so you believed him that he was actually working.

"I couldn't. I wanted to talk to you."

These were the words Chan didn't want to hear now. You explaining him everything, telling him how sorry you are and how much you love him. He loved those words, but now was definitely the wrong time for that.

"Can't we talk about that tomorrow?" He refused to look you in the eye, and you noticed it. The urge to get those words out was too big, you needed to talk about it now. So you just started speaking.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..." Now you were the one who looked at the ground, not wanting to look at him. You felt your eyes getting wet again, the urge to jump into his arms just to feel his warmth that always comforted you when you were sad and stressed. But you stayed there, not moving an inch.

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