Babysitting - Yang Jeongin

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There you both stood. Jeongin was frozen at your front door, looking at you with big eyes. Was it because of the way you looked? Because you just wore some joggers and an oversized T-shirt? Because you didn't wash your hair today?

No, it wasn't because of that. It was because you were carrying a small baby in your arms. Jeongin had never seen you in a state like this and it took him aback, suddenly seeing you holding a baby. He expected anything but that.

"You didn't tell me-", he began, stopping mid sentence because another wave of shock overflowed him. You couldn't do anything else than laugh a little at his so surprised expression.

"I'm sorry, I forgot..."

Yeah, being the forgetful person you are, you forgot. Actually Jeongin and you planned to go on a date that day, so he made himself ready: dressed up, styled his hair, even put on some make up. In opposite to him you didn't. To be honest, you looked a bit messy and exhausted, but also so adorable that Jeongins heart began to melt. Was it because of your looks or maybe because of the motherly/fatherly expression you wore? Nevermind, he found it hot in some way.

"I have to take care of this baby boy today. He's from the family where I babysitted some time ago and the mother asked me to do so, even if it was really spontaneous. So yeah, surprise?" A giggle made its way to your lips. And of course, Jeongin did the same, your laugh as contagious as always.

"Is it a problem if I stay?", he firmly asked, not too loud because he didn't want the boy in your arms to wake up. You shook your head in disagreement.

"A little help would be wonderful. Right after he wakes up, he's loud and a little annoying." And again, you laughed. "But when he's sleeping, then he's sleeping. You don't need to fear to wake him up."

Jeongin nodded and stepped into your flat, welcoming the all too familiar surroundings. While he put off his shoes, you made your way to the living room to sit down on the couch. And right when Jeongin stepped through the door to the living room too, he saw you caressing the baby's head, swinging it from side to side lightly. His heart was filled with so much adoration, it felt like it exploded. And although he slightly blushed seeing you like this, he literally sprinted to you to sit down beside the two of you.

His eyes were glued to the little baby boy, inspecting his face and his so small body parts. Small hands, small nose, small feet. He wanted to touch them, but it would be odd, right? So he had to get himself under control.

"I'm sorry that I forgot about our date..." You sighed, being angry at your too forgettable brain again. Jeongin didn't seem to be mad, he just smiled at you.

"It's okay, I know that you're not good at reminding things like this." He laughed a bit as he saw your slightly shocked expression, but you knew he just made fun... more or less. "I mean, babysitting can be fun too."

You knew he wanted to go on that date so bad and he partly said that just not to make you feel guilty. But it was okay for you, because you hadn't had any other choice.

"Yeah, when he's sleeping, it's cool." You giggled a little, looking at the face of the baby again. And Jeongin did too, but then his glance wandered up to your face and stayed there for many seconds. He did stare, and you did notice it after some time, so you looked up to stare back at him.

Though Jeongin did literally nothing, it wasn't difficult to seduce you like always. He just had to look at you and you were a blushing mess. This time too. It felt like his stare intensified and you could feel the swarm of butterflies in your stomach grow. You guys dated for years now, but sometimes it felt like you were crushing on him like on your first date. Falling in love with him all over again. I mean, how could you not. He was so precious, his smile lightened up your every day and everytime you two met, it felt like you were where you belonged to. You were so caught in these thoughts and in his beauty that you didn't even realize he was leaning in. But then you did, when his lips suddenly touched yours.

He cupped one of your cheek, caressing it with his thumb. Unfortunately you couldn't do anything, because well, you still held the baby. But that didn't keep you from melting into his touch, enjoying it to the fullest. The only problem was that you quickly forgot about the small human in your arms, and Jeongin did too. So he just leaned over you, ready to push you down onto the couch. Luckily he didn't get the chance to do that, because he bumped into the baby's head. And that's where all the drama started.

You pushed away, looking at him with big eyes and an as shocked expression as he wore on his face.

"Are you stupid?!", you yell-whispered. But it was too late, as the loud screaming of the baby echoed through your whole flat. Jeongin didn't know how to start, the apologies just rambled out of his mouth.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't paying enough attention-" You had to ignore him for this moment, standing up and swinging the baby in your arms a little, going through the room to calm it down. But as you expected, it didn't help. The baby kept screaming and crying and you didn't know how to calm it down.

"Thank you for that..." Your voice was nothing more than a murmur, but it suddenly sounded clearly annoyed. Jeongin felt the guilt spreading in his body, he kept saying the same again and again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry..."

"You know what? You made him cry, now try to solve it."

His eyes widened, staring at you in disbelief, especially when you walked over to him and handed him the crying boy. He instantly switched to panic mode, he didn't even know how to hold a baby. So you helped him out a little bit after which the baby rested securely in his arms.

"H-how do I hold it-" His grip was still unsteady, but you gave him support with that.

"Just stay like this and bounce a little up and down, that's how you do it. Have you never held a baby before?"

He didn't, but he didn't want to admit. Well, maybe it was just because he was a little overwhelmed with the situation and wasn't able to say anything else.

You didn't know what Jeongin did which you didn't, but after a short amount of time, the baby stopped crying. All you could hear were small sobs coming out of its mouth. You were super surprised by that, you thought Jeongin sucked at this. But no, on the contrary: He calmed the little so much that it literally stopped screaming and relaxed in his arms.

"H-how did you do that?", you asked in disbelief, still not getting over the fact that he did it so easily in 2 minutes while you try to succeed within 30 minutes. When Jeongin noticed what he just managed to do, a proud smirk lay on his lips.

"I guess I just have a knack for it~"

Shit, you had to smile. You just couldn't be mad at him for so long, it wasn't possible.

"Yeah, and for ruining the best moments." Now he was the one frowning, while you had to chuckle. The little boy was so quite that you believed he had fallen asleep again. And Jeongin was relieved about that, he didn't want to have the responsibility for holding him anymore, so he handed the baby to you again.

"You should help me out more often, he's so calm when you hold him."

Jeongin had to laugh. "Thank you, but I think I refuse. Unless you really need my help."

So there you both sat, next to each other, you holding the baby to your chest, Jeongin smiling like an idiot. He enjoyed the view just too much, he thought you looked so adorable. His heart began to pound fast, he was overwhelmed by your beauty once again. So he didn't refuse to look you up and down, admiring what he could call his. This wonderful person was his girl/boyfriend. He couldn't believe it, and he questioned again if he lived in reality, because it didn't feel real. To have the woman/man of his dreams right next to him. Being able to say that you belong to him. It was a blessing, he thought.

"You look really good with a baby in your arms by the way, I think we should get one too some day."

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