You like that? - Seo Changbin

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You couldn't take your eyes off him. It was obvious, but you didn't know that. Everyone noticed it, except Changbin, the one you were staring at.

It was a boring Monday morning, actually you didn't like that day. But because of your schedule in school the morning turned out a little bit more exciting than usual. But not only this Monday.

Every Monday.

...and Friday.

You had swimming lessons. One and a half hours, with the whole class. And you know, swimming means much skin shown off. This fact made you feel a little uncomfortable, and obviously you were the only one.

Some girls out of your class loved the fact that they could show off their curves and stuff. Some boys used this to present their well-built body, their muscles and abs. But you didn't care about those persons.

Your eyes were glued to Changbin who was standing in front of a block, waiting to start the race he would do with another student. And damn, he looked ethereal. Not only because of his muscles that were impossible not to notice, rather because of his attitude, his confidence. He was a really good swimmer, the opposite of you. That's why you didn't like swimming, especially in school. You embarrassed yourself all the time, you had the impression that you made yourself unpopular with that. But the good thing was that you could watch Changbin while succeeding, leaving everyone behind.

This time, it wasn't different.

He stepped onto the block, focusing only on himself. And now, his body was really on full screen for you to watch. You didn't want to, but your eyes kept switching to his abs, back to his chest, arms and then to his face again. You were so far away from reality that you didn't realize he was looking at you too for a moment. And you also didn't notice that small smirk appearing on his lips. But then he looked away, making himself ready to jump into the water when the start sign was given.

Your best friend who was sitting next to you noticed your steady looking and laughed. "Y/N, you're staring again."

You turned your head to them, a little embarrassed. "No, I was just watching..."

"Isn't that the same?" They laughed again. "Everyone notices it, except you. Wake up, Y/N. We live in reality where you can't make out with Changbin that easily."

You were shocked. Shocked by that statement. But also, you were embarrassed. Did everyone see your staring? Or hear this sentence? That couldn't be. No one should know about your slight interest in Changbin. ...Well, your best friend did, but that was no problem for you.

The start sign for the both students made you stop overthinking about the situation and you quickly looked over to them. They both jumped into the water at the same time and began to swim as fast as they could. All of your classmates cheered for their friends, you wondered why your teacher didn't say anything.

As you had expected, Changbin was in the first place and won the race in the end. You didn't want to cheer too much, because you know, this could turn out awkward. So you just gave him applause.

The second he stepped out of the water, you felt your pulse beginning to rise again. He looked so good with his wet hair and body and-

No. You couldn't think about him that way. He was just a classmate and you shouldn't think about things like that. But you just couldn't stop yourself.

Right after his hand went through his wet hair, he took another glance at you for a few seconds. And this time, you realized it. Your cheeks flared up and you quickly turned your head away from him. Did he notice your staring? Or did you think loud? What was worse? Both was, and you didn't want this to be. You had to calm down a bit but being surrounded by thirty people, it wasn't that easy.

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