The Beauty of the Moon - Han Jisung

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Your head was resting on the uncomfortable ground, you felt the grass tickling your skin

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Your head was resting on the uncomfortable ground, you felt the grass tickling your skin. The sky looked so beautiful above you, so many little stars that gave off a relaxing sparkling.

You were on a small road trip. But of course you were not alone, no. Jisung came with you, like everytime. You guys did something like this so often these days, enjoying your surroundings and each others presences too. And today was the night of shooting stars, you both wanted to see some of them. So you two got into Jisung's car and drove to your favourite place. It was an empty meadow in the nowhere, there was nobody except you, everytime you were there. And it was relaxing, just the two of you, no one else interrupting you while making wonderful memories with him.

You were best friends since childhood, knowing each other for so long now and you couldn't spend a week apart from each other. Your two's friendship grew so strong, it was impossible to break this steady strand between you.

But with the age came the problems.

Something had changed between you. At least Jisung thought that. Suddenly his heart began to race everytime he saw you, a smile taking to his lips whenever you were laughing, butterflies filling his stomach when you touched him. And it all happened so damn fast.

It felt like it was just yesterday he liked you in a friendly way like you ever did. And honestly, he didn't want it to be anything else, it was good that way. You both were so incredibly strong together, your friendship had lasted for so many years now. He didn't want that to change, he was afraid of your reaction. So he kept it to himself. For a whole 5 years now.

Back then he thought it would be just a period of time and his strange feelings for you would fade. But obviously he was wrong.

His feelings for you kept getting stronger and stronger, his love for you increased. And he couldn't stop it, it just happened. You guys never talked about that, so he didn't know if you felt the same. Your behavior was like all the years before, but he couldn't tell if perhaps you felt something for him too.

Although he wasn't too sure about it, he made the decision to confess today. And oh God, this man put so much effort in it.

He searched up on the internet the best ways to confess to someone, writing down some notes just to plan everything. He didn't want it to be awkward, he wanted it to be cute and unforgettable. And he knew you liked poetry, so he wanted to do something poetic.

But things didn't go as planned.

You two lay there on the ground, staring up into the sky, waiting for the first shooting stars to be seen. And Jisung wanted to get it out, but somehow he couldn't. It felt like his throat was tied up, though he didn't plan to say it directly! His plan was to describe it somehow, saying it indirectly and, yes, poetic. But what seemed so easy earlier now was one of the most difficult things he had ever experienced.

It were just three to five words to say. I like you, I love you, I have feelings for you. But no, he couldn't get out one of it. He wanted to do it in a special way, he thought it would be easier.

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