Just a game - Yang Jeongin

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TW//Consumption of alcohol

You two were drunk, too drunk for your own good, so drunk that your both heads were spinning and your perceptual ability was starting to fade. You knew, you probably shouldn't have drunk one shot after another, first a Tequila and then another glass of Gin. But you did, and he did too. Everyone did. Why? Because it was a birthday party of a good friend of yours, of course you drank alcohol there. But maybe, you went a little too far this time.

The room was hot, the stuffy air made by the radiated warmth of every body there. It smelled like alcohol and sweat wherever you were, everywhere your eyes could take you were persons having the time of their lives, feeling so light-weighted and free. The same was with you and Jeongin.

You both were completely strangers at first, not knowing each other at all. But somehow, you two found yourselves that day and enjoyed the party together. But this should be a good thing, right? There was nothing wrong with finding a new friend on a party.

False. You might have enjoyed each others presence a little too much and probably were too attracted to the other one and too blinded by their appealing appearance that night. Until it happened.

First, it was just some intimate dancing, then touching, maybe kissing. After some time, you found yourself sitting on the bar counter, Jeongin caught between your legs. You two were clearly making out, in addition in front of the others. And yes, there were friends of yours, but they didn't notice your actions and just let it be. Unfortunately. How bad you wish they said something to you both in hindsight. Because just a minute later, you led him to another room, locked the door and suddenly you both started to undress each other. It all happened too quickly for you to recall what you were really doing there and for you to snap back to reality.

It would've never gotten that far. Not if you were by all your senses that day, but you weren't. And honestly, you regret it so damn much. Especially because there were some sparks, some kind of connection between you two. Or did just you see it like that? Maybe he did too? You didn't know, you wanted to know, but it was too late already.

You woke up in a comfortable bed, not really knowing what had happened at first. But when you perceived your surroundings, you realized: This was the room where you had slept with Jeongin, where you had spent the night with him. Realization hit you and suddenly, you felt sick. Your head started to thump even more and your stomach made the appearance that it wanted to throw up.

It was your first time that you did some sort of one night stand, and it didn't fit right with you. You didn't want to remember again, but you just had to. All memories that your brain was able to keep were rushing through your mind, and the first thing you did after you remembered everything was to look next to you. Maybe he was there-

No. The right side of the bed was empty. No one beside you. He left without waking you up, without saying anything. The only thing he left, you noticed, was a small piece of paper on the pillow next to you. So you picked it up and opened it, reading the note that he had written onto it.

"I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't know it would go that far. It was just a mistake our drunk selves decided to do and we should forget about it, about our acquaintance in general. It was a one time thing and we weren't thinking right, I guess you would say the same. So it doesn't mean anything to me, hopefully to you too. I think you are a nice person tho and I hope you can find someone with whom you feel comfortable doing what we did, not with a drunken, reckless stranger like me. Me and you just weren't the right ones for each other and it wasn't the right timing either."

So it was nothing more to him than just a one night stand. He didn't feel the connection. But how would he know that you felt like this, though? It was nothing to him. He fooled you without even having the intention to do so. Your heart started to ache a little, not exactly knowing why it did so suddenly. This message, no, the letting go of a stranger hurt you more than you thought it would and than it probably should.

He was just a random boy you met at a party anyway. But why did you feel so much pain then, knowing that you won't see him again? Knowing that he didn't want you, that he wasn't attracted to you afterwards like you were to him? It clearly hurt you, but it shouldn't have done that. You didn't want your mind to cling itself on the thought of him touching you, making you feel wanted even with your drunken state.

You wanted to stop thinking about him. You really did. But at the same time, you wanted everything of this to be resulted in another way, in a more pleasant way than him leaving you behind.

But maybe, it was better that way. Even if you held back the tears that wanted to burst out, even if every little thought of him would make your heart ache, and even if you would wait for him to come back one day.

It was better like this, he wrote. He didn't want it, so you shouldn't want it too.

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