Stop thinking about me - Kim Seungmin

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Your heart raced. And you exactly knew why it did.

Seungmin. Oh gosh, this boy. He made you nervous so often these days, you couldn't count how often it was anymore. He made your pulse rise and your cheeks flare up, with every single move he could possibly do.

It wasn't hard to make you feel that way. Not for him. And he knew that. But he didn't get the signs you were giving him.

You had a huge crush on this boy.

Now you sat here at your desk, Seungmin beside you, pointing at something in your textbook that you didn't understand. But that wasn't what you were interested in. He was the only thing on your mind, and you couldn't concentrate at all.

"Understood?" Only his voice got you shivers down your spine. It was so sweet, so soft, so beautiful. And again, you caught yourself drifting off into your imagination, forgetting that you lived in reality. You did that quite often these days, imagining how your guys' relationship could be if you took things a little further.

But then, the snapping sound of Seungmins fingers brought you back to reality, finally.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you dreaming?" You lifted your head and managed to look at him, a quiet 'huh?' escaped your mouth. Your attention was now fully on him, this time not in your own little world.

He chuckled a bit. "You're not concentrating. Keep your attention on the task, boy/girl. I'm not explaining it another time."

After that he started to speak again, so sweet like always, explaining you the task one last time. But all you could hear were some random words that you weren't able to put together, though it sounded good out of his mouth. You drifted off again, you caught yourself at that. And you tried to focus, really. But you just couldn't help it. Your mind was definitely elsewhere.

"Come on, are you serious?" He sighed, obviously annoyed of your lack of concentration.

You shook your head. "I'm sorry, I can't focus right now..." You fiddled with your hands, nervousness taking control over your body.

"Then stop thinking about me."

Your cheeks flushed up in a tone of pink. His words came out a little teasing, like he exactly knew what you were thinking about. Well, apparently he did. He exposed you, and he knew that. Your reaction said more than a thousand words could do. Those words you couldn't manage to say.

"I- I wasn't-" you stuttered too much, you could literally tense the nervousness.

"Right, you still are." And another small laughter left his lips, his beautiful lips. "Am I that exciting to think about instead of learning?"

You playfully hit with your fist on his chest. "Stop joking around, idiot."

"Well, I wasn't joking." He started to grin, but it was a slightly teasing one. Usually you loved that, but this time it made you feel a bit uncomfortable, feeling caught. Nevertheless he did make you feel that steady thumping in your chest again. How could he do that?

"Nevermind, let's continue."

You didn't want that. You didn't want to continue. You wanted to get teased by him again, although it made you feel a bit uncomfortable. But you loved the attention he gave you, you enjoyed every little actions he did in relation to you.

You wanted more. He sensed that too. So he teased again, this time by ignoring your needs. It was fun to him, seeing you troubled and waiting for his next move. He liked it. But you didn't. So you tried to focus on the task again, the reason why you two met. Studying together, that was what you wanted to do. But again this time, it didn't work. You just didn't want to study. But you had to, so you tried to follow Seungmins words and moves. Until he suddenly closed the book and leaned back into his chair.

Taken aback, you turned to him, just to see that he was staring at you. He pierced his look right through your eyes, not wanting to let go. Your body told you to stare back, so you couldn't resist that.

"You're weird today.", he said, looking you up and down now. "Like you're nervous because of me."

There it was. He got you. You couldn't search for excuses now.

"Is everything okay with you?" But he didn't sound concerned at all. He was just curious.

"Yes, everything is fine." You looked confident, convinced of your actual lie. Wouldn't there have been your still red cheeks from before.

Suddenly, Seungmin sat up straight again. "I know that you lie."

How could he know that? Was ist that obvious? You thought it came out naturally!

"You want something. So tell me, what is it?"

Wait, was he joking right now? You wanted something? It was like he exactly knew what it was, but just wanted to hear it out of your mouth.

"It's nothing. I don't want anything, don't worry." You smiled, hoping that he couldn't look right through you this time. But you underestimated him.

"Hmm..." One last time, he looked you up and down, from head to toe. "I guess I'll go with that then."

Relief but also disappointment. You thought maybe, he would notice it himself and give some reaction about that, like telling you that he feels the same. But how if you didn't even tell him? How would he ever know the truth? He didn't notice from your actions obviously, so maybe he would with words. But you were insecure.

What if he didn't feel the same? What if he ended your friendship here? What if he liked someone else?

But suddenly, you didn't care anymore. You wanted to be brave. You held that in for so long now, it had to be said some day. And you didn't await that Seungmin did the first move. He hadn't had to. You could do it too.

"Seungmin-" You looked at him, he was leaning over the desk again to look at that annoying task. But after you said his name, he turned his head to you, having that stunning look on his face like usual.

At that point, you weren't that confident anymore. The words got stuck in your throat, not wanting to come out. You couldn't say anything, you just stared at him, admiring his beautiful features. He didn't seem to mind, since he didn't turn away his head or refused to look at you too. There was a small spark of electricity between you both, you felt it. But you still couldn't say anything.

Your eyes wandered along his face, stopping at his lips in the end. You didn't want to, but they looked so plump and soft. You couldn't look away. Seungmin realized it.

"Just tell me if you want to kiss me."

And with that, he cupped your cheeks and pulled you towards him, laying his lips on yours carefully. The small spark of electricity turned into a big fire, the sparks now flew everywhere. Nothing in your environment mattered anymore, it was just you and him. It was like a chemical reaction, you two merged into one. It felt so good to have his lips on yours and his hands touching you, and he loved the feeling too. Your hands in his hair, pulling him in for more. It wasn't the perfect first kiss, because you both didn't really know how to kiss.

But to you, it was beautiful. It felt right. His body coming in contact with yours. All the unsaid words and feelings managed to bring into that kiss.

So at the end, your imagination became reality. And it was the best feeling you've ever had.

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