Hospital Buddies - Lee Minho

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Your head was thumping when you woke up. Everything felt strange somehow and everything was hurting. The smell in your nose was unusual, not even a bit pleasant as the one in your flat. But you lay in a bed. How could that be? Where had you been sleeping then if it wasn't your home?

Slowly you figured out what the strange smell reminded you of - disinfectants. It started to sting the more you breathed it in. You wanted to know where you were, but you felt too weak - you felt paralyzed. But you couldn't remember anything, not even a single thing that could help you understand the situation, so you slowly opened your eyes.

There was a bright white ceiling, but to your surprise, the walls were painted in a comforting blue tone. Your bedsheets were also white, the reflected light blinding you even more. Beside you you could see a small white desk with a glass of water and pills on it. Everything started to look familiar, until you finally realized:

You were at the hospital.

Why the heck were you there? You didn't even know what had happened before, the last thing you could remind yourself of was that you were at school. Right, at school, in the PE lesson... you played volleyball against the best out of your class, your teacher judged your playing... suddenly a ball came up straight into your face - from there on, everything went black.

Now that you thought back at that accident, your head started to hurt even more and suddenly you noticed your nose feeling stuffed. There was wadding in it, you then realized. Maybe your nose started to bleed too? Could be possible.

Some kind of anxiety grew in your stomach - you never really liked being in hospitals, or even visiting someone who was in there. It just made you feel uneasy. But you couldn't even think about it more because suddenly you heard the rustling of bedsheets beside you, making you guess that someone was shifting in their position.

You quickly looked to your left, even if it hurt a little, just to see something unexpected: a really attractive man in your age, sitting straight in his bed and tapping on his phone. He was really handsome, to be honest. His dark brown hair lay messily on his forehead, creating the perfect contrast to his slightly tanned skin. His eyelashes were long and pretty; just as the beautiful shape of his both eyes. Until that moment, you didn't know what your type of man was. Yes, now you knew.

Inspecting more of him, not really to your luck very obviously, you searched for the reason why he could be in this building. Of course, he was wearing the clothes of the hospital, but he didn't have any injuries you could see. Meanwhile you lay there with a stuffed nose and probably a big bruise on your head, not looking the prettiest.

The other guy didn't seem to care though because when he heard you moving, he turned his head to you and gave you a reassuring smile. Did you know him or why did he look at you like you two met before? Maybe something had happened when you arrived...? But honestly: would you really wanna know?

"Are you feeling better?" the boy asked, putting his phone away and giving you all of his attention. What did he mean with 'better'? Have you been awake once already? Then why couldn't you remind yourself of it?

"Uhm, I guess...?" Your voice sounded a little confused and he noticed it, but he just smiled again.

"You didn't look too good yesterday." His gaze was now on the door. "Coming into the room carried by a doctor, obviously not conscious, nose bleeding like it would never stop..." He laughed a little. "I honestly thought you were going to die."

That sentence took you aback. "R-really? Was it that bad?"

He looked at you again, this time smiling and head shaking. "No, it wasn't. But it did look painful for sure."

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