Dancing Queen - Hwang Hyunjin

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The room was starting to get too hot and unpleasing to maintain more time of yours in it. But you had no other chance, or more like, you didn't want to have another chance. You wanted to stay there, even if the heat started to get unbearable. And for both of that, there was one single reason standing right in front of you.

It was Hyunjin, of course. What else should it have been? It was always because of him. Because you wanted to be with him or do him favours far too often. Sometimes you stayed awake till 4am just to videochat with him and let him tell you about his busy day. On other days, you tramped through big puds on Seoul's streets in the unexpected pouring rain, just to get to his flat to have a movie night with him. Those were always his favourite things to do.

This time wasn't something that you've never done for him before. It was again getting late, the clock on the wall showing half past 12. Just like the other October days in Seoul, the weather was wet and uncomfortable. But being in the big Entertainment building and getting a look at the storm outside through the large windows of the Practice Room, it was beautiful and especially calming. The fact that your boyfriend, Hyunjin, was there too, practicing his new self-made choreography to the song "Heather" by Conan Gray, made it even more comfortable for you. The only problem, as already said, was the increasing warmth and smell of sweat in the room. But you didn't want to ruin the flow Hyunjin was in at the moment, so you let it slip and stayed silent, pleased by the sight of him dancing in front of you, even if he had said he would be done in 'two or three hours'. Three hours then became four, four became five and five became six, until now. You often asked him if he didn't want to go home and continue tomorrow, but he resisted and went on, you just sitting on the side and watching him. But you couldn't complain.

Seeing Hyunjin dancing was one of your favourite things. He always put so much emotion and passion into his dancing techniques, some unspoken messages that he wanted to deliver. You were really adoring him for that. And not to forget - he was the best dancer you've ever known. His moves were so detailed, so clear. He knew when he had to put body tension into his dancing and when he had to just let it flow smoothly. That was the reason why you envied him, why you even were a little jealous of him. Just like tonight - the choreography he brought up was so beautiful and he made it look so flawless, and his handsome looks gave the dance a perfect finishing touch. You could sit there and watch him for millennia, to be honest. But not if it were in the middle of the night, like right now.

When he finally looked satisfied for once, turned the music off and made his way to you, your eyes lightened up with hope that he was finished, and you couldn't hide your excitement.

"Are you ready? Shall we go home now?" your hopeful voice asked, but your ears just hearing an amused snort from him.

He smiled cockily, knowing what your hopes had been. "No, I'm just taking a break."

Your expactations fell, just like your smile. There it was again, you thought because the last 5 times he said the same. Always building your hopes up and then destroying them after. Tss, how nice.

"Aww, come on! You can't be serious this time!" you shouted out and pouted afterwards, with the thought that this maybe would make him weak. But instead, he placed a small, sweaty kiss on your lips and smiled at you.

"Just a bit more time. I will finish in a while, baby." he said, taking his now fourth bottle of water and drinking something out of it. You just mimicked what he said and crossed your arms. In response, you could hear an amused chuckle from him.

"I said it a few times now: If you want to, you can go home, you know that. I'm not forcing you to stay here."

"Well, in the beginning you did." you stated, raising an eyebrow. "That's why I'm here."

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