Robbing the Carriage

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She sat up in the one of the tallest
branches of the tree, her gaze fixed on the road cutting thru the forest, the fog obscuring her view.

She was waiting for the royal carriage, the one bringing all the taxes to Castle Beaufort.

Clip clop clip clop, she could barely make out the sound of hooves beating against the ground, she pulled the hood of her cloak up covering her distinctive ebony locks, before pulling up her mask and shimmying down to the lower branches of the tree.

A song bird warbled twice near by, to anyone else it was just a bird but she knew that was no song bird, Charles, she smiled to herself her heart filling with joy, her love, her soul mate, her other half was letting her know to be ready, he was already in place.

The horses and the carriage were much near now, any moment they would be in sight, she carefully adjusted her bow and quiverful of arrows strung on her back, making ready to move at the last moment.

Charles was to run out, stopping to warn the driver and guard that the bridge ahead was out while she dropped to the top of the carriage from a tree branch above.

Once the guards and driver were dealt with, tied up, they would take as much as they could from the carriage and be off, to buy their way off of the continent and off to explore the edge of the world together, she didn't really care so much where as long as it was away from the Queen she'd be happy.

"Stop please good sirs I beg of you!" Charles voice rang out over the sounds of the horses and the wheels of the carriages, "Wooooooah!"

The driver cried out pulling hard on the reigns stopping the carriage, she lowered herself on to the branch, hanging by her hands, she moved out silently above the carriage as Charles distracted the driver.

"Please sirs, the bridge is out ahead, flood waters have washed it away! You must turn back good sirs."

His bright blue eyes flicked up to her pale green eyes, he nodded ever so slightly, "For your troubles boy," a guard tossed a couple of copper coins in the dirt at Charles feet.

He ignored the coins, pulling a loaded cross bow from under his cloak, as she dropped on top of the carriage.

The sudden motion jarred the driver and one of the guards to the ground, she grabbed an arrow from her quiver and her bow, notching the arrow she drew it back the fletching tickling her cheek as she took aim at the remaining guard.

"You know the drill, everybody off the carriage and everyone stays alive." Charles cheerfully instructed.

"Everybody over to that tree, be quick about it." The driver began to move to the tree, but the guards didn't.


She commanded, her voice ringing with natural authority.

Charles beamed up at her with pride making butterflies flutter in her stomach, "You heard the lady, she does not speak twice."

The guard in front of her began slowly climbing down, she shifted her aim, all the while never taking her eyes off the guard hesitating to follow orders.

His hand slowly reached for his sword, "Charles!" She screamed to warn him, he looked up and an arrow flew into the guards neck dropping him. 

Charles quickly reloaded his cross bow while she kept the remaining guard and driver at bay, her arrow still aimed at them.

"Over to the tree, quick as you can, just keep doing as I say and no one else needs to get hurt," he quickly tied their hands before ushering them to a tree further in the tree line where they had already set up the rope to tie them there.

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