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Trigger warning ⚠️ blood and injury


Snow slept soundly that night, so soundly she was completely unaware when Alexander stepped into the room, extinguishing her small oil lamp and picking up her book and placing it on her nightstand.

He stopped and brushed a curl back from her face before leaving the room shutting the door behind him.

Slowly waking in the morning, she stretched out feeling her joints popping and stretching, her arms and shoulders aching with the effort.

The morning light and the distant sound of the waves, and lack of bells, yelling, footsteps; allowed her to wake slowly, taking her time opening her eyes.

An unfamiliar whistle made her sit up, her hair spilling over shoulders.

Following the noise she got up and threw up the doubled door realizing she had access to the balcony all around the second level of the house.

Briefly she was blinded by the bright morning sun, she could see all the way to the beach over the tops of the trees.

She heard the whistling sound again thus time followed by the sound of flapping wings.

A bird landed with gorgeous red and green plumage landed on the railing near her.

"Hello there, my aren't you beautiful," she crooned, the bird eyed her and whistled again, "Pretty bird," it squawked at her and carefully placing one foot over another walked over to her.

Stilling she rested her hand on the railing on as the bird made its way over to her, it's white beak was sharp and would definitely do damage if it decided to bite her.

It wandered on to her hand and pulled its self up her sleeve till it came to rest on her shoulder, "I'm a pretty bird."

"Yes you are but I think we should go see if Alexander knows anything about you pretty bird."

The bird whistled and cackled in response.

Stepping back into her room she pulled on her robe, tying it tightly around her and set off bare footed downstairs.

Rustling from the kitchen was quickly followed by a string of profanities.

Snow hurried and rushed into the kitchen to see Alexander dropping a pot back onto the stove and black smoke started filling the room.

Coughing and waving her hand she quickly thru open the windows and doors to allow the smoke to leave the room, and then she grabbed a towel and removed the offensive pot, dropping it into the sink and turning the water on to cool the burning sticky mess.

Turning around she raised her eyebrows at Alexander, who sheepishly stood holding his hand and not meeting her eyes.

"I'm glad I came downstairs when I did," she gently teased him, she grabbed his hand and pulled it out away from him looking down to examine the shiny red burn.

Her hair fell into her face, Alexander turned red as she held his roughened hand in her two smaller hands.

"I- I was trying to make breakfast, I figured you... and Sebastian would be pretty tired today."

Tugging gently she pulled him over to the sink she put his hand in the cool water soothing the burn.

"That is a very considerate thought, but perhaps you leave the cooking to me," she teased him, they stood together till she pulled his hand from the water and reexamined the burn.

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