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Luke's words made her pulse race and her face flush.

"But first..." Luke wound his arms around her, pulling her tight against his body, she felt her knees go weak as she looked up at him, it felt like butterflies fluttering about in her stomach, she couldn't help marveling at his beauty, "Lunch I think."

Before she realized what was happening they were suddenly standing alone on a secluded beach, a table set with food and a bottle of wine along with two golden plates, goblets, and silverware.

"How did you-?"

Luke smiled at her, gesturing grandly, his green cape swishing behind him, pulling the chair out for her.

"Magic. You are always taking care of everyone else, please let me take care of you."

Luke's eyes were soft and pleading as he stood waiting, hopeful she will take seat.


She sat down, with a wave of his hand, her plate was filled, Luke made a show of pulling the cork from the bottle pouring them both glasses of the red liquid.

She looked down and suddenly ashamed of her now worn clothes, they were well made, but sitting here in front of Luke, she missed all her fine pretty dresses.

As if he read her mind, Luke reached across the table taking her hand, "Snow, you look perfect to me."

With a squeeze she released his hand and began to eat, she actually was quite hungry, she had been so excited to have the day to herself she had skipped breakfast, eager to finish the shopping for the ship.

She had nearly finished her food when an uncomfortable thought occurs to her.

"Luke, why do you keep coming to see me? And doing things for me?"

Luke looked up, surprise evident on his feet, he laid his cloth napkin on the the table, gets to his feet and came over to her and knelt in the sand so their faces were level, his knee resting against her thigh.

"I've tried to tell you, I normally have a way with words but when I look at you," He stopped, his gaze dropped down to her hands resting in her lap, and he let out a self depreciating laugh, "I turn into a fumbling adolescent again barely about to string a sentence together. I have feelings for you Snow,  I know it is completely beyond ridiculous, what with us living in parallel realities but I would do anything for you Snow."

Snow took his face in both her hands, her thumbs rubbing small circles over his high cheek bones, his viridian green eyes flutter shut as he relaxed completely into her touch.

She took time stroking the smooth panels of his face, learning each line by heart.

"Luke..." at first she wanted to push him away so neither of them get hurt, she was all too aware she is on a precipice, that if she fell for him, they would both end up hurt, they had literally been destined to never meet, yet here he was, he returned to her time and time again, defying the Gods for her, and that spoke more to her about the depth of his feelings than words ever could, "Kiss me."

Luke frowned slightly before eagerly kissing her, his tongue tracing her lips, silently asking for permission for more.

She opened her mouth accepting his deeper kiss, their lips moving in time together.

Her heart raced at his touch, as hard as it was to admit it, after the disaster of falling in with Charles, she'd promised herself she would guard her heart more closely, but everytime she saw Luke, he never failed to bring up feelings in her.

She pulled away first, Luke sweetly pulled one of her hands from his face and places a kiss in her palm.

"One day Snow, I will hear my name from your sweet lips, and it will be the sweetest utterance of my name I have ever heard."

Betrayed By A GodWhere stories live. Discover now