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Loki's back ached as he bent over yet another dusty tomb he'd managed to sneak away from Odin's library without his father's knowledge.

The low flickering light from both the fire place and the candles on his deck barely illuminated the page.

The words on the page blurred as he tried to read them, the spidery thin ink almost vanishing in places, blinking he tried to focus his vision, urging himself on to try to finish at least this chapter when the door to his workshop flew open and banged against the wall.

"Brother! What on Midgard are you doing reading in such low light?! Come the night is young and you promised me that tonight that we would go out tonight! There will be drinks and wenchs aplenty for the both of us!"

He couldn't help but groan to himself as he looked up as Thor barged into  his no longer peaceful lab.

"I know what I said Thor but I had hoped you had forgotten by now..."

As Thor continued barging into his space, Loki couldn't help his attentions pull back towards the book in front of him, he was so close to possibly finding an answer.

"What could possibly be so important? I haven't seen you this devoted to your studies since you were trying to master self transfiguration just so you turn yourself into a snake to scare me when we were children."

With Thor now rapidly approaching, he tried to shut the book before Thor had a chance to read over the runic lettering at the top of the page but Thor yanked the book out of his hands and quickly scanned the page, his merry blue eyes widening as he took in the title of the page.

"Loki, this is dangerous magic." Thors booming voice lowered to a whisper, "What are you even doing with this? No one but the Allfather should have access to this."

Snatching the book back, he snapped it shut and vanished it to his pocket.

"Its nothing brother, purely theoretical research," unable to look Thor, knowing he was lying about something of this magnitude, Loki shoved down his guilt.

Thor gave him a searching look, Loki tried his best to appear innocent.

"Promise me you aren't up to anything Loki, or I'll go straight to mother."

"Really, it's nothing. Just a notion I cannot get out of my head."

Thor seemed to relax and accept his answer, turning his attentions away from Loki and towards his liquor cabinet, after dismssing the first few bottles, Thor gave an excited cry and pulled a bottle, closing the cabinet.

"So tell me who is she?"

Loki looked up at Thor, now seated comfortably in front of the fire on the far side of the room looking expectantly at him after having taken a large swig out of the bottle.


Thor smirked back at Loki's pretend blank expression.

"Who ever has caught your attentions. I know you think I am a blundering idiot but it has not escaped my notice that it's been more than a few years that you've taken anyone to your bed little brother. Yet there are days when you cannot help but walk as if the norns themselves blessed you with a kiss. I haven't seen you like this since you had your first kiss with Brunhilda."

"I... There..." silver tongued though he was, the mere thought of Snow was enough that he couldn't even string together a sentence to cover his feeling in front of his brother.

Thor grinned in smug triumphness, "So there is someone!!! Tell me all about them!"

Loki took the opposite chair and summoned a glass of his favorite wine, suddenly there was nothing more that he wanted than to share how he felt about Snow, even if it was with Thor.

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