A Warm Welcome

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Sebby had already been assigned his first overnight watch, leaving Snow on her own for her first night on the ship.

Exhausted, she finished washing the last of the dishes, and wiping down the counters, placing the dough to rise for the bread tomorrow.

Holding on to the wall, to combat the sway and roll of the ship, she made her way to her tiny cabin, an oil lamp in her hand.

Opening the door to her room, she hung the lamp up to illuminate the tiny cramped room before she placed the latch to lock the door.

"There you are."

She turned, instantly frightened till she sees who it is.


She stumbled forward and wrapped her arms around him, glad to see someone familiar.

"Well this is a very warm welcome."

His arms wound around her, pulling her in closer, against his chest.

In the confines of the ship, the men were already beginning to stink, but not Luke, she took a deep inhale of his chest, he smelled like fresh winter pines covered in snow.

She let's out a big sigh and completely relaxed against Luke, holding on to him for a few minutes, before realizing she how long she'd just been holding on to him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. "

She started to let go but Luke held on to her tighter.

"Not at all darling, I rather like it."

Luke looked affectionately down at her, he pushed a loose piece of her hair behind her ear before slowly.

"You are rather tired aren't you."

"Its been an exhausting day."

"How can I make it better?"

"Really?" She couldn't help but be surprised.

"Certainly darling, I did come an awfully long way to see you."

Luke's smile was so earnest, as he gazed down at her.

"You really mean that."

"Of course I do, Snow. Will you allow me to stay with you, even if it's just to watch over you as you sleep.

She thought about it for a brief moment  before returning his smile.

"Actually that would give me great comfort, with Sebby gone I am a bit nervous being the only girl on board."

Luke let go of her, but didn't step away from her.

"Here why don't you get more comfortable and then you can tell me everything."

She noticed he made no move towards the door.

"Could you turn around?"

Luke looked like he was trying to hold back laughter for a moment, "Actually if you would allow me, I can use my magic. Nothing bad, I promise. Then you needn't be concerned about changing with me in the room."


Luke's hands glowed green, glowing green tendrils reached out to her and gently spreads across her skin, tickling her, she could almost feel soap bubbles spreading across her skin, cleaning her, then she felt the gentle tugging thru her hair, as if someone were running a comb thru it and then braiding it.

Her dress changed into a night gown with a satin emerald green robe wrapped around her, the glowing stopped and Luke held an emerald green ribbon in his hand, "for your hair."

She reaches around and found her hair was braided, "Thanks."

Her fingers brushed his as she took the ribbon and tied the end of her braid.

"Now you climb into your berth, and we can talk."

He caught sight of the woefully worn mattress with no blanket,"This will never do. Do you mind?"

Green magic flows from his hand again, the mattress glows but stayed the same.

Giving him a quizzical look, Luke just grins, looking like a cat whose just caught a canary, "Try it."

Keeping her eyes on him she slowly sat down, it felt like she laid on the softest of mattress, she couldn't help the moan as her tired body relaxed, when the softest of green blankets rolled its self over her.

"Alright maybe magic isn't all bad."

Luke smiled down at her, she curled on her side so she could still see him.

"That is what I like to hear," he sat down on the floor next to her and leaned against the wall next to her head, "So I see you finally made it to the boat, off on your grand escape."

She couldn't help but giggle, "I suppose we did."

"I knew you would. Never doubted you for a moment."

"So how are things in your world?"

Luke chuckled to himself, but she could see the sadness he tried to cover up, "You don't want to hear about my problems. "

She reached her hand out to him, after a moment of staring at her proffered hand, he took it, intertwining their fingers together.

"But I do. You've done so much for me and I would like to think we're friends."

His thumb teased the center of her palm as he ran it back and forth, his eyes still lingered on their linked hands.

"Its just my father. He favors my older brother. He thinks me troublesome and not as worthy. I just wish I could prove myself valuable to him."

Once he started talking, his confident demeanor drops, his shoulders drop and he almost curled in on himself.

She couldn't help herself, she reached out and catches his chin and forces him to look at her.

"Hey look at me. No matter what your father thinks, you are worthy."

Luke's green eyes filled with tears, he leaned over and embraced her, resting his head on her shoulder.

"You have no idea how much it means to hear you say that Snow."

"I'll say it as often as you need to hear it."

His answering smile as he sat up, filled her chest with warmth as she looked at the look of absolute adoration he gives her.

For the rest of the evening they talk about what felt like everything, from favorite books, of which they were surprised to find they like many of the same books and subjects, to art, he told her stories about harassing his older brother, they talked for hours in the small cramped room, till her oil lamp is nearly burned out.

"Sleep Snow. I promise I will come back."

Luke watched her as she closes her eyes, her lashes casting a slight shadow, once her breathing was slow and deep and her grip on his hand has loosened, he let go of her hand and leaned over her kissing her cheek.

"I don't know what I would do without being able to see you."

He conjured another white rose and laid it next to her hand before closing his eyes and vanishing in a flash of green light.

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