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Naru-FanficLover here welcoming you to another chapter in the book, I hope you enjoy it. 

Sorry this didn't come out sooner I had some stuff to correct in another book and make a new chapter for said book, and I kind of forgot I was doing this so sorry. 

With nothing else to say let's get on with the chapter! Oh! Ben and Danny belong to there rightful owners.

(With Ryan)(Third P.O.V)(Also I suck at fight scenes)

Ryan looked at the eyes of animal that was in the dark, but before he had time to react the animal jumped at him and clawed at his stomach. Ryan, caught off guard got hit by the attack stumbling backwards as he did, then when Ryan got focused he saw the animal that attacked him, and saw it was a white wolf with green eyes big enough for him to ride on and some sort of collar on his neck. Ryan got into a defensive stance and got ready to fight the controlled wolf, the white wolf started running towards Ryan planning on ramming him then at the last second Ryan jumped over the wolf and saw the camera on the wall. Ryan then formed a plan in his head, he was so distracted that he didn't see the wolf coming at him until he saw a shadow, Ryan quickly looked and saw the wolf jumping intending to take his head off just before the wolf could do it though Ryan brought his waist down and narrowly dodged the attack. "That was a little to close for my liking" Ryan said, panting a little at how close the attack came to ripping his head off. 

Ryan then didn't waste any time in attacking the wolf, expertly using his sword trying to hit the collar but making it seem like he was trying to hit the wolf, then Ryan positioned himself directly in front of the camera and pretended to get hit when the wolf attacked him again and fell down knees up a bit. The wolf took the opportunity to jump on him and wrestle him, but Ryan was dodging the attacks but making it seem like he was getting hit, then after a few more failed attack attempts Ryan put his knees and the rest of his legs under the wolf and kicked out making the wolf fly towards the camera effectively knocking it out.

Ryan then looked for other cameras finding no more he sighed in relief, then he transformed into Shade and started attacking the dog trying to knock it out or get the collar of it. After a few more minutes of attacking Ryan finally managed to slash the collar around the wolf's neck, freeing it from it's former mind control. Sighing Ry turned back into his human counter part, and went over to the scared wolf afraid it's going to get mind controlled again, Ryan seeing fear put up his hands in a peace gesture showing he meant no harm and finally made it to the wolf. "Well I'm sorry that you got controlled, but I won't let that happen ever again. And I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" Asked Ryan hoping he would say yes, the wolf seeing the kindness in the humans eyes started licking him in the face. "Haha I'll take that as a yes, now all we need is a name for you" Ryan said, as he thought of some names for the wolf.








Wolf started to lick his face Ryan just laughed, "I'll take that as a yes, it's official your new name is Ace" Ryan said, Ace got more excited and jumped on Ry licking him more and more. As soon as Ace got off of Ryan the wall exploded shocking Ryan and Ace, then an animal like alien, a rock Kevin, Gwen, and grandpa Max came running through the door.

(A few minutes earlier)

Ben and everyone else watched as a wolf came through the gate, jumped at Ryan and scratched his stomach and sent him stumbling. Then they watched him expertly use a sword to attack the wolf and dodge all the attacks the wolf sent, then turned his back to the camera and got hit and fell down. Then he kept getting hit by the wolf before he finally kicked the wolf upwards and towards the camera then everything went black, and everyone shouted "RYAN!" after everything went black. "Oh well, I guess I'll just see what happened to him after I deal with you" Psyphon said, looking at Ben evilly "Now, let's get that omnitrix under master Vilgax's control shall we?".

Ben was smirking because he knew they wouldn't work for him, and the omnitrix wouldn't let anyone try anything around it. As soon as psy was far enough away, ben quietly set the omnitrix to hands free mode then turned into Graymater. Then freed the others while Psyphon was still ranting, then Psy turned around and saw that they were free and said "Aw fuie" knowing he's about to get hurt. True to his own words, Kevin touched the floor which was rocky and knocked Psyphon out with a punch to the face. "Come on we have to find Ryan and get out of here!" Ben said while turning in to Wildmutt, then everyone followed Ben knowing he'd find Ryan the fastest. The group then came to a wall and smashed through, knowing Ry was on the other side.

"Ryan we've come you" Gwen said lowering her arms at the site, Wildmutt changed back to Ben and was shocked at what he saw, so was GM and Kevin who changed back. They saw the wolf right beside Ryan starting at them with as much confusion as Ryan had, then Ryan was the first one to break the silence by saying "So why'd you smash through the wall? And I'm guessing you felt with skeleton face?" Sill a bit shocked, they all just nodded their heads. "What are you doing with the animal that tried to EAT YOU!" Ben said, as the first one to break the silence and ask the question that was on all of there minds. "Oh Ace didn't want to hurt anyone he was being controlled, isn't that right boy?" Ryan said while scratching behind ace's ear, not wanting anyone to get shocked again Kevin asked a question "So I know how we got captured, but how did you?". Everyone realizing he was right looked at Ryan hoping to shed some light on it, Ryan just shrugged and said "I let him" like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "YOU WHAT!" Everyone shouted Ryan winched at the loud noise, "I could've escaped when he tried to capture me but I wanted to know what he wanted, so I let him capture me" Ryan said, hoping this would calm them down.

Grandpa Max and Kevin being the only ones to see the logic behind his words nodded, knowing they probably would've done the same thing. "Well then now that that's out of the way, let's get out of here" GM said wanting to get out as soon as possible, "One problem grandpa I'm too drained, and Ben doesn't have anyone to teleport all of us back home" Gwen said. "Well then, how are we supposed to get back now" Ben said, "I know how to get back home" Ryan said, knowing he was taking a risk but wanted to help them get home. "Really how?" Asked GM, "We need to get in a circle and hold hands" Ryan said, they all did as instructed Ace getting on his hind legs. Then once everyone held hands (Ryan holding ace's paw to the left and Ben's hand to the right, Gwen was holding Ben's hand on the left, Kevin right next to her, grandpa Max next to him, and then GM holding ace's paw to finish the circle), Ryan teleported them outside Ben's house.

"Ok we're here" Ryan said as everyone let go of each other hands/paw, "How did you do that?" Ben asked curious as to how he did that. "I teleported us, once I see something that I want to go back to I memorize it so I know where to go" Ryan said, "So your a meta?" Gwen asked trying to sense how strong he is, Ryan feeling what she is trying to do hid his power to that of a normal person. "Something like that" Ryan said, "Now how about we all go back to bed and get a good nights rest?" He said, hoping to get some sleep after the eventful night that just happened. "He's right everyone, we could all use some sleep after today" grandpa Max said to everyone, "But I want to talk to you tomorrow" GM said, pointing at Ryan who nodded knowing that was going to happen. Then everyone went there separate ways for the night, wondering what tomorrow will bring for them.

I'm sooooooo sorry for the short chapter but I did not want to change much of it, but I promise to make the next chapter longer. But until then peace out!

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