New Adventure

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I am so so so so so so Sorry for not uploading to be honest I forgot I wrote a book. And when I tried to upload the WiFi was down and I couldn't do squat! *Mumbles stupid WiFi*
But anyways let's get on with the chapter! I don't own ether shows

(Two months later)
(Ryan has a journal)

(It's been two months since me and Raven moved to Bellwood and it's been very peaceful for us, especially since I don't have to use my powers. Don't get me wrong me and Raven still practice using our powers with grandpa Max coming over and watching time to time, but we just never use our powers in public unless we be discreet. Speaking of GM after the KD I knew he wasn't going to let me and having powers go, he was going to try and find out everything on us then find nothing on us...literally!
So instead of going through all that I decided to tell him the truth about us, he was shocked and angry at first wondering how someone can do that to their own kid, but then he agreed to help us by making our background look more real and secretly train us to be special plumbers, not that anyone knew about it. Me, Ben, and Kevin have hit it off really well almost whenever we are free we hang out which is mostly me and Ben because Kevin's in college, but we don't really mind we have fun together.
I even met his partner but I was a little jealous when he said that but I don't know why, I know I'm gay but me and Ben are just friends...right? But anyway Ben said that even though we aren't plumbers (that's what he thinks!) that me and Raven can come with them on a trip to space to visit an old friend' of theirs. Gwen and Kevin were busy and couldn't make it so it was only me, Raven, Rook, and Ben, and I'm excited to go can't wait.)


As I walk over to the Kent's house I got excited, because I get to see Ryan again I realized last month that I had fallen for him but don't think he thinks the same. But still I was excited to show them space seeing how they loved anything space related, I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice I was at the house until I hit the door literally. "Ow...stupid door" I mutter, apparently my 'knock' on the door didn't go unnoticed as the door opened a minute later. It was Raven who answered the door, she was wearing a grey tank top shirt that was showing off her mid, sky blue gens, red converses with a red beanie. "Hey Ben, how are you!" Rye said, "Hey I'm alright, so are your brother ready to go?" I ask, "yeah hang on" rye said. "RYAN BENS HERE!" Rye shouts to Ryan, "ALRIGHT ILL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!" I hear Ryan shout from somewhere in the house. I'm honestly surprised they haven't woken up the neighborhood with all their yelling, but it's not like I was going to say that to them.

Soon Ryan came out, and he was wearing a blue hoodie sweatshirt, with grey skin tight pants, and blue sneakers. I bit down a blush at how cute ryan looks and went to my bike, "So one of you can ride with me, and the other can ride on your bike" I said to them, "I'll ride with you and Raven can ride the bike, it'll be good practice for her" Ryan said. Raven started beaming with happiness after ryan said that, she quickly gave him a hug and ran to the bike and put her helmet on. Me and Ryan just laughed at her antics, and got on my bike and led the way to the hanger. When we got to the hanger Ryan and Raven eyes where bulging from their heads as they looked at the ship, Rook was already there checking out some last minute stuff for the ship, so I decided to see if he needed help.


As soon as me and Danny saw the ship we started drooling, we couldn't help it it was a big ship. 'I've never seen anything like it in my half-life' Danny said to me, 'I know what you mean, this is some pice of tech' I said back. After that we explored the ship and kept talking about the technology it had, Ben and Rook heard us and were durably confused. After they finished making sure everything was in order we set off, while barely containing our excitement about going to space.

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