Information and A Fun Time

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Hello, welcome back to another chapter of the Phantom and the Omnitrix holder, I don't really have anything else to say so..take it away Ryan and Raven!
Ryan Raven: Ok! AnimeLover does not own ether show they go to their rightful places enjoy!
P.S I added a part split second in here, there is a warning so if you want to skip you are welcome to.
(Thought y'all enjoy it)
~Ghost zone 5 minutes later~

(Ryan and Raven)

After we woke up from our initial shock of the news, we were actually happy about ruling the GZ. Sure it was going to take a lot of work and hard decisions but we knew we could do it, so on our way to the room the others were in we talked. 'So how do you feel about becoming king daddy?' Raven said, 'I honestly don't know, I guess determined?' I said to her not certain. 'Determined why?' She questioned.
'I guess not to become like Pariah Dark, but also to the best I can to help the ghost come together as one' I explained.

'You won't ever be like him your you and he's him, you'll make a great king' She said.
'Thanks, so what about you? How do you feel about becoming a princess?' He asked me.
'I'm happy but also nervous, What if they don't like me?' I asked, 'Of course, they'll like you! Your so likable, and they are making a halfa their king so...I think you'll be fine' He said. We were so focused on talking, that we didn't know we walked into the room that the others are in until Ember started shouting. "SO WHAT? ARE WE INVISIBLE NOW?" She shouted angrily at us, we literally jumped five feet in the air we were so scared. Everyone started laughing while we were sitting on our hurt butts rubbing them, then after having their fill of laughter and concern dad started talking.

"As you two now know you are the new king and princess of the GZ, you will receive training until the day of the coronation. You both will receive ice training from Frostbite, combat training from pandora, Daniel you will receive knight training from Fright Night, and then you'll learn about the history and laws of the zone from me." Clockwork said, "We will be going to a different dimension where we will be training for two years but here only two months will pass, the day after will be your coronation." "Ok, we're ready" We said after silently agreeing with each other, after saying goodbye and sending a letter to both schools and the plumbers we went on our way.

~Two years/ months later~


It has been two years since we've been home, and today we finally get back to our dimension. After about an hour of making sure we had everything we went through the portals and wound up in our basement, everyone else went back home and Rye went to a friend's house. I decided to go to Ben's house and confess, even if it doesn't turn out the way I expect I'm still going to do it. So with that goal in mind I went over to his house and knocked on the door, after about a minute Ben opened the door. As soon as he saw it was me he gasped and gave me a hug, "Ryan! It's so great to see you, I've been bored out of my mind without you!" He said after we got out of the hug. "It's good to see you too Ben, you by yourself?" I asked, "Yeah everyone's busy today" he said, 'score!' I thought as he brought me to his room.

"Umm...Ben, there's something..something I need to tell you" I said nervously "Ok what is it?" He asked, "Umm...I was see I...we've been, oh fuck it" I said as I grabbed Ben's face and kissed him passionately. I heard Ben gasp then return the kiss, I soon stick my tongue out and he eagerly opened his mouth allowing me in. Our tongues battled for dominance and soon after we separated, panting trying to catch our breath. "Woah" Ben said speechless, I blushed and barley got my next words out "Ben..I...I love you and I..was would go out with me?" I asked nervously, Ben didn't say anything and I thought I was going to get rejected when.

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