Pray for the Wicked

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"I would set all of Heaven on fire and not let a single flame touch you

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"I would set all of Heaven on fire and not let a single flame touch you."

The heirs to Heaven and Hell, the Courts of Heavenly Virtues and Deadly Sins, were born long after the armistice between the two worlds.

Unfamiliar with anything but their lives in the darkness and light, separated and painfully unaware of the horrors haunting their predecessors' pasts, the millennia of war written across history with bold cuts and wounds were merely stories hidden away in books and rotting libraries.

But as Hell began to drown in the darkness that had once been an ally, desperate measures and a single, foolish mistake united the next generation of rulers.

The son of Lilith was never supposed to set foot in Illenium, and the daughter of Lailah was never supposed to discover Odeion. But the treachery of a demon is nothing compared to the betrayal of an angel.

So he became her moon and she his stars.

They had everything to lose and everything to gain.

Together, they were the beauty within the darkness and the horrors within the light. The pair that would bring to an end a reign built on dishonesty and deceit, reigniting the hope that would once again illuminate the nocturne kingdom below.

All rights reserved © YunhoWho

Author's note:

1. I do not own ATEEZ or any of the characters in this book. The story is a work of fiction and the plot is merely a product of my imagination.

2. I apologize for any possible grammar mistakes you may stumble upon throughout the story. English is not my first language and commas are especially hard to grasp.

3. Any form of translation or reposting of this story is not authorized. Please respect my wish regarding this. Thank you.

4. Feel free to comment and leave votes along the way. It means the world to me, and I would love to hear your thoughts about the story. Please don't be a silent reader <3

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