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The sun was almost at its highest by the time I awoke, feeling well-rested yet slightly uneasy after the events of last night as I let my eyes flutter open and took a moment to process all of the contradictions and stories and information I had been introduced to at the House of Glass.

I had fallen asleep not long after we returned to the palace, exhausted after the search which had left us just as empty-handed as we had been before, and would have to continue again later that night.

The image of the painting framed by intricate silver designs had been burned into my mind, and I furrowed my brows a little as I recognized a sudden feeling of numbness only to realize that, this time, it was not caused by my thoughts but rather coating the entire right side of my body.

I let out a deep breath as I rolled onto my side, about to pull back my arm which was slung across the edge only for my eyes to widen as I looked down at the floor where Hongjoong was sound asleep, holding my hand in his.

Suddenly it was as if we were back in Odeion as I lay there, wide awake, marveling at the peaceful look on his face.

He was beautiful while sleeping, and yet I couldn't help but feel that although his features which were timeless and almost angelic, it was nothing compared to the look that had been mirrored across the dark depths of his eyes as he had stared into the sunset yesterday.

A small sound of content escaped his lips and I suddenly felt embarrassed for looking, once again trying to untangle our fingers and pull back my hand, feeling increasingly flustered as I realized that the son of Lilith only tightened his grip on it at every attempt of escape.

It was far from the most scandalous thing that had happened between us, yet I felt a wave of heat wash across my cheeks, practically dangling over the edge of the bed by now, as his eyes, which had been closed and heavy with sleep only seconds before, suddenly fluttered open and locked with mine.

"You know, you're really ruining the mood," Hongjoong said, his voice low and rough as he squeezed my hand once more before closing his eyes again as if wanting to go back to sleep.

"What mood?" I mumbled, continuing my silent struggle only to frown a little as the son of Lilith suddenly let his hand drop to the floor, leaving mine cold and empty.

"You're right," he said, and I couldn't help but pout only for my frown to deepen as he added, "See?" the question edged with that of a smirk which immediately made the pout melt away.

I didn't even try to hide it as I rolled my eyes and got off the bed, shuffling across the cold floors as I aimed for the bathroom and closed the door after me.

He had been nothing short of charming yesterday, but now, as I ran the water for a bath and reached for the zipper at the back of my dress, I suddenly remembered why I had found the demon annoying in the first place.

"So, how are you planning on entertaining me today-?" Hongjoong began, running a hand through his hair as he barged through the door only to pause as his eyes found mine and the look within their darkness changed while mine widened, "Do you need help with that?"

"Does it look like it?" I huffed, struggling for another second or two before giving up as he said, "Yes," and leaned, almost nonchalantly, against the door with a look of mixed entertainment and expectation on his face.

I scoffed, glaring him up and down before turning my back to him and twisting my ring, making sure to stand close enough to the demon for my wings to smack him in the face as they unfolded in a flurry of white feathers, sending him splutting back a few steps.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you were standing there for a moment. There was this far-away sound of stupidity around here a moment ago," I said, gesturing to where he was standing, "I thought I'd try to swat it away and it seems like it worked."

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