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I was out of bed as soon as the first rays from the rising sun pierced the otherwise dark sky which was visible through the windows opposite my bed, carefully making my way out from underneath the covers without waking Hongjoong who had fallen asleep next to me.

The irony of the situation brought a bitter smile to my face as I tiptoed across my room, wary as to not step on any of the sleeping demons littered across the floor before softly closing the door to the bathroom after me and pressing my back against the sturdy wood.

I might not have known my mother as well as I thought, but I was sure of the fact that if she had actually cared enough to check on me, to realize that I too was keeping secrets and that the son of Lilith had not only comforted me but also slept by my side, she would have had both of our heads.

The empress of Illenium and all of Heaven; graceful, kind, and merciful.

A true angel.

By the time I had showered, changed into the finest robes I could find, and had managed to sneak breakfast for nine people out of the kitchen, the heirs to the Court of Deadly Sins were finally starting to wake, stirring in their sleep as they voiced mixed complaints about the sunlight flooding the room.

I folded my legs underneath me and crossed my arms over my chest as I took a deep breath and reminded myself that betrayal was never one-sided and would inevitably benefit at least one of the involved parties. I had already made my decision.

From my spot on the bed, surrounded by food and platters I had carefully and delicately snuck into my room, I caught Jongho's eye as he abruptly sat up and looked around with mild confusion painted on his face as he seemed to have momentarily forgotten where he was.

"I'm glad you're finally awake," I said, straightening myself a little as I gestured for the auburn-haired demon to come over to which he happily obliged, greedily filling his hands with baked goods.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, smiling a little and fighting the urge to ruffle his hair as he hummed a muffled answer.

Hongjoong slowly managed to sit up as well, barely looking at me as he rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms above his head, absentmindedly touching the obsidian ring on his finger which made a pair of enormous black wings explode from his back, sending Jongho tumbling off the bed.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes, pushing at the mass of dark feathers as I continued, "We have a lot to discuss, a lot to do, so while we figure out a plan for the remaining four days-"

"Four days? We're not going home until we find-" the son of Lilith began, but, like my own words, his interruption was cut short as I stuffed an apple in his mouth, barely noticing the way his eyes widened as I offered Jongho a knowing look that made the demon grin.

Mingi chuckled a little as he reached for a piece of bread and bit into it, looking unfazed by the blue-haired demon behind me who begrudgingly followed his example and began to eat as well.

"Yes you are," I said, offering San a handful of berries, "Whether or not we find the Lunar Flame, you are going back through that portal in exactly four days, even if I have to push you myself."

I cleared my throat, still avoiding Hongjoong's eyes although I was mostly speaking to him as I mumbled, "As I was saying, we need to make a plan, and you should really eat some breakfast because I'm not sure when we'll be back. It could be really late and I can't have all of you settling down at cafes and coffee shops if you get hungry throughout the day."

Yeosang's eyes visibly widened at that and his question was laced with mixed surprise and disbelief as he said, "Wait- are you saying that all of us are going out? That you're taking all of us to Illenium?"

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