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I had promised him.

I had promised the heir to all of Odeion, the next ruler of Hell and son of Lilith herself, that he could have my heart so that he, in return, would let me have all of his.

The realization of it all came slowly at first only to wash over me all at once, my heartbeat picking up, as the two of us continued to descend down the narrow staircase leading to the caves beneath Illenium.

I tightened my grip on the railing, swallowing thickly as the slender tunnel turned and turned and turned, the air growing colder and drier the deeper we descend, the walls which had previously been white marble now cracked, dirty, and worn-out, warmed by the occasional glow of the torches which continually grew fewer and fewer in number.

I was looking down at the golden chain around my neck, studying the onyx which I, for once, hadn't hidden away under the layers of silk and white, when my inattention finally made me miss a step and I stumbled forward.

The quick intake of Hongjoong's breath was heard before he, in a single heartbeat, moved to wrap an arm around me, catching me just as I turned back around and pulling me flush against his chest.

I was about to say something, but the apology I had been reaching for melted off the tip of my tongue as a question surfaced instead.

The son of Lilith's eyes flickered across my face, searching, though he never got to ask what was so obviously painted across their nocturne depths before I grabbed the necklace and held it up between the two of us, the obsidian pitch black in the dim light, "Can mine do the same?"

"Will mine tell me where you are as well?" I added as the demon simply looked at me for a moment before slowly reaching out to touch it, his hand enveloping mine, strong and safe and warm and-

And suddenly, I felt the song of a heartbeat against my palm; steady and absolutely breathtaking. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as he let go and I carefully held it with both hands instead.

I took a moment to look at it as it glowed faintly in the darkness of the tunnel before glancing up at Hongjoong only to find that he was already watching me, studying me with a fond look in his eyes which were softer than I had ever seen them as he took a step closer and I felt the heartbeat grow stronger.

"Do you like it?" the son of Lilith asked quietly, almost hesitantly.

"I love it," I breathed, barely thinking twice about the words before they left my lips, my eyes glued to the jewelry in my hands. I didn't notice the flicker of pride in his eyes nor how the tips of his ears turned a pretty hue of pink at the comment.

My heart swelled with every little thud that escaped the onyx, feeling as if, now more than ever, it was something extraordinary, something priceless, something to be cared for, furrowing my brows a little as it suddenly dimmed again, growing fainter and fainter.

I turned around, suddenly nervous, only to realize that Hongjoong had passed me and was now heading down the stairs again, taking with him the faint song of impossible promises and hope I was cradling in my hands.

In less than a heartbeat, I was hurrying after him, hungry, greedy for the reassurance his closeness brought me, despite being unwilling to ever admit to it.

"So why is it called the Fractured City?" he asked, pulling me from my thoughts as I quickly glanced at him before turning my attention back to the crumbling steps beneath my feet.

"I don't know, actually," I mumbled, a little embarrassed to admit it though Hongjoong didn't seem to mind, to blame me, which made me raise my chin ever so slightly, "I've never been here before. Only government officials and the Archangels are allowed down here, and my mother has always forbidden me from-"

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