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Hongjoong was the son of Lilith. I knew that already. He was the heir to all of Odeion, Hell, and he was glaring at me with a look that, for the first time since he had dragged me into this mess, made me angry rather than frightened.

The eldest, Seonghwa, with his ashy blond hair and perfectly handsome features, was the son of Lucifer, heir to the Court of Pride. He was also the one who had attempted to scold the blue-haired idiot earlier. I decided that I liked him.

Yunho, the son of Beelzebub and heir to the Court of Envy had golden blond hair with occasional hints of peach, pink, and orange, peeking through the messy locks. His eyes were kind and almost innocent.

Then there was Yeosang with his champagne blond hair that looked so alike that of an angel; son of Abadon and heir to the Court of Sloth.

I liked San the most, trusted him, more than Hongjoong at least, despite knowing that the ravenette was the son of Satan and heir to the Court of Wrath.

Mingi, tall and handsome, the son of Belphegor and the heir to the Court of Gluttony had honey-blond hair falling slightly into his face, casting shadows across his dark eyes that crinkled as he offered me a bright smile.

I had figured Wooyoung out before he even got a chance to present himself as the son of Asmodeus and heir to the Court of Lust, the midnight-haired demon barely being able to look me in the eyes without blushing. Despite being mirrored by chastity, he didn't seem too different from Sunoo, I thought to myself, watching the positively flustered look on his face grow more intense.

Jongho was the youngest, son of Mammon and the heir to the Court of Greed. He was sitting next to me, his auburn hair glowing warmly in the light from the chandeliers and torches lining the walls as he shifted slightly on the floor and offered me a small smile.

"Your turn, angel," Hongjoong said. A challenge, bait, one that I was unable to take him up on.

"The Court of Humilty," I said, deciding on Heeseung's court without thinking much of it. I glanced at Seonghwa, my supposed opposite, who seemed rather thrilled by the news which worried me a little.

"And your name?"

I fell silent at that, unsure as to whether or not they would recognize my status if I told them, although, realizing that I hadn't known about Hongjoong, it would probably have been safe. Still, I hesitated.

"It's getting late anyways," San mumbled, clearing his throat. I looked down at my hands, grateful for the interruption until, as the next words left his lips, they widened as I whipped my head in his direction, "Where's she going to sleep for tonight?"

"I want my own room," I immediately blurted, "I'm not sleeping with any of you." But the demand didn't seem to change anyone's minds as they instead offered me looks of mixed guilt and silent apologies.

"Oh, come on," I tried, "Where would I go?"

"You just went over a cliff," Hongjoong drawled, sending me an unimpressed look, "You tell me."

But I wasn't having it, turning to San, "Do you get angry at them as well?" I asked, seemingly surprising the ravenette who nodded slowly, furrowing his brows a little. Yeosang whacked him across the back of the head, mumbling something under his breath.

"Like- If they hurt someone?" I continued, earning nothing a confused look as a response, "If they hurt a woman?"

San's jaw went slack at that before he straightened himself, "I would never hurt a woman," he exclaimed, "I-"

"Great! I'll sleep with him then," I declared, satisfied with my pick until, of course, Hongjoong once again decided to any chance of happiness that might've come my way as he simply said, "No."

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