I'm going to help you

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Here's an update kiddos 🤪

Tsukishima was walking to school thinking of how to help Kageyama. He decided that he'd get Kageyama to trust him. He'd be a tutor for Kageyama and they'd get closer that way. He'd also be nicer and soon enough he'll let Kageyama know that he knows and wants to help.

Tsukishima got to practice and started warming up and stretching. It was a hot day so nobody felt like practicing. Kageyama got there late and looked like mess. It pained Tsukishima to look at him and remember all the things that probably happened to him before he got here.

Kageyama ignored everyone else's snide remarks and changed. He was parched from the forced 'activities' but forgot to bring a bottle so he asked someone for water. Everyone being the dicks they are said no, except Tsukishima.

Kageyama walked towards the bag and dug through it looking for the bottle when he found something else. His facial expressions dropped and he looked scared. His journal that he lost was now found in Tsukishima's bag. Knowing Tsukishima, he probably read it. Kageyama didn't need to go through this. He really has had enough. He called Tsukishima outside, again having to ignore the teams rude comments.

Tsukishima was confused but then panicked as he remembered what was in the bag. He ran outside scared of Kageyama's reaction.

"Did you read it?" Kageyama asked looking at the ground. The wind was howling and it looked like it was going to rain. Perfect weather for the mood, Tsukishima though.

"Y-Yes." Tsukishima said looking at Kageyama who had started to cry. It broke Tsukishima to see Kageyama like this so he slowly tried to hug Kageyama. Kageyama was scared at first but Tsukishima whispered some sweet things into his ear and he got comfortable in Tsukishima's arms.

"You can't tell anyone ok?!" Kageyama said after they hugged for a while. Tsukishima let go of the hug and held Kageyama loosely on his hips.

"Ok but you're coming to live with me. I'm lonely at home and you'll be safer there." Tsukishima said with a scary voice. It basically left Kageyama with no option.

"Ok but you better take care of me!" Kageyama said as they slowly made their way back to the gym.

"Anything for his majesty." Tsukishima said while smirking.

The school day was normal for Kageyama except the fact that he was excited to go home, and no not to his father, but to his new house with Tsukishima.

This is shorter than other chapters but I felt like I needed to update! I've been busy and had no motivation to write this so sorry if it's not h to at good, thanks for the reads!

Notes: Kageyama Angst-Tsukikage Where stories live. Discover now