Chapter 4

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"Hey y/n"

I saw as Hange ran up to me. "Oh hey Hange what did you need?" She caught up to me. "Hey Corporal wants to see you in his office" Corporal? Ok, but where's his office. "Ok where exactly is his office at?" Grabbed your arm and walked you to his office. She talked about her love of titans on the way there. You didn't mind though. You that people didn't really listen to her. She was interesting.

"Well here you are. I have to get back to my lab good luck!" Running off giving me a thumbs up. I knocked on the door waiting for a response. "Name and business" you heard his voice. "Y/n Hange said you need to see me?" Still looking at the door. "Come in" you opened the door and walked in. He sat at his table. Looked as if he slightly irritated and very stressed. You saw how there was a two nest piles of paperwork. You saluted almost forgetting.

"What it is you needed sir?" Asking looking at him. He looked up from his paperwork his grey eyes pierced through you. It didn't faze you though. "Cadet y/n I want you to clean the whole place top to bottom" you were slightly taken aback.

What did I do? I don't recall breaking any rules to inflict a punishment. "May I ask why sir?" He was getting irritated. "Your to soft cadet" I'm too soft? I don't think being nice is being soft. Didn't I kick your ass yesterday. I decided not to question. "Yes sir, may I ask where the cleaning supplies are?" No one had told me where it was. I saw him get up from his seat.

I saw how he was trying to hide the fact that his arm was in pain. "Sir?" He looked at him and glared. "What is it brat" he said. "I'm sorry, about hurting your arm yesterday. I thought you were going to kill me." I said. He looked at me then his arm. "How did you know it was my arm that's broken. You didn't even see what broke?" He asked walking up to me. "I noticed it when I walked in. You were putting less pressure on your left arm then your right" recalling how he was sitting. "Tch whatever it's your fault. After your done cleaning do 50 laps" he looking even more scary. It was my fault so I can't complain.

Once he showed me where the supplies where he went back to his office. I finished the place within an hour. It was practically shining. I went outside and ran my 50 laps. Since no one was pressuring me I was able to go at my own pace. I finished and went back inside. I stretched and went to Corporals office to tell him I was done. I knocked on his door. "Name and business". "It's y/n I'm done with everything" I heard him get up and open the door.

"Finished my ass. You can't already be done cleaning and running" he yelled. He walked down the corridor and stopped. He saw that the hallway was spotless. Every corner he turned it was perfect. He turned to you. "Did you do this by yourself?" He questioned. "Yea I prefer to work alone I can get things done quicker." He walked passed me to his office. I followed him and stood in his office. He sat back down and glared at me.

I just did your punishment don't give me that look

"Sit down cadet" he pointed at the couch. I sat down and put my hands on my lap. He didn't say anything just went back to his paperwork. It was awkward as hell. Why am I here exactly? I'm just sitting here I'm not doing anything. " Corporal why am I here?" I said breaking the silence.

"Don't call me Corporal just call me Levi" he said not looking up.

"Sorry but I'm good calling you Corporal" I said leaning back in the couch. He was about to speak up when I stopped him. "Because I don't trust you enough and your my superior. As a cadet I'm entitled to show you some respect." I said staring at my hands. He didn't say anything after that.

"Hey do you ever sleep?" I asked looking at him. "No I can't sleep" he trailed off. I watched him quickly scribble on his papers. He looked as if he was trying to get it done but his face shown tiredness. "You should try and sleep. You'll be more productive" he looked up from his work. "A cadet trying to tell me what to do?"

"I'm not telling you what to do I'm more of giving you a suggestion" I said looking at him. I stood up and walked to him. I put my hand on his left arm. I squeezed it lightly and saw him furrow his eyebrows. I glared at him and looked straight into his eyes. "Go to bed" he looked at me with the same expression. I let him go. "Now that's telling you what to do" backing up.

"How about this I'll finish your paperwork and you can sleep" his eyes widened a little. "No you'll only make it worse" I walked back to the couch and sighed. "Fine then I'll wait" no one can look at papers all night and be sleep deprived without falling asleep.

Next thing I looked over and saw him sleeping. Idiot i picked him up bridal style and carried him to his room. I put him down covering him, and left.

I walked to his desk filled with paperwork. I began filling out the work. I finished after 2 hours. I put the papers in a neat pile. I saw he had cleaning supplies by his desk. I cleaned everything for him then left. I walked back to the girls bunks and laid down. I fell asleep in and instance.
I woke up feeling someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Mia. "Hey y/n wake up. We need to go eat breakfast" I woke up and got dressed.

I walked in and saw everyone look at me. Can't I have a quiet day

I saw Levi drinking tea looking irritated as Hange said something. I grabbed my food and went to sit down with Zacha and Mia when Hange spotted me. He grabbed my arm and put me in front of Levi. She gave me a huge smile. "Hey y/n~" ok I'm scared. "Hey Hange?" I said nervously.

"So the girls were saying you came in late last night. Care to say where you were?" That's all? " oh I was in Co-" Levi cut me off. "She was cleaning the place. She did it to fast before and I told her to do it again" I looked at him confused. Why did he lie?

"Explains why the place is spotless" Hange whispered. "You poor soul. You had to endure all that pain" she said wrapping her arms around me. "Yea" I looked at Levi again. He just looked at me then looked away. I continued to eat my food. I Sasha coming up to me.

"Hey y/n" she said standing next to me. I picked up my bread and handed it to her. She jumped up and down and hugged me. "Your a goddess y/n" she said. She let go and took off.

I continued eating when I saw someone holding a piece of bread. I looked up and saw Levi holding a piece of bread in front of me. I looked at him confused. "Here take it" I took the bread. "Thanks sir".

"Hey Levi can I have a piece of bread too" Hange said looking at Levi. He glared at her and looked away. Eating the rest of the bread in front of her. She pouted and turned to me. "Hey y/n~ my dear friend. May I have your bread" she said pointing at the bread Levi gave me. I picked it up and was about to hand it to her. When Levi grabbed my hand. "Get your own food shitty glasses" I took his hand off mine and gave the bread too Hange.

She ate it quickly to avoid Levi trying to take it. "Hey that girl is right you are a goddess" she said smiling. "Who's a goddess?" You saw everyone else sitting down. You Mike sit down next to you and look at Hange.

"I'm talking about star child Y/n here" holding me. "Apparently everyone's talking about you" mike said. "Good things I hope" looking down. "Haha don't worry everyone loves you. Eren won't stop talking about how much of a good fighter you are, and that food girl is talking about you like your her god" he laughed. I smiled knowing I was helping people.

"Hey y/n we're going on an expedition in a few days" you heard Erwin speak up. "Oh yea huh. Hey Erwin is y/n going to join us?" Hange said. "Yes everyone is going. That reminds me I need to assign you to a squad. You can join Hange,Levi's , or Mikes." Hange turned to you and smiled.

"She can join my squad huh y/n?" You were about to speak when Levi cut you off. "No you'll only get her killed. She'll be in my squad." He glared at Hange. "I'm not going to get her killed. I would literally lose a piece of myself if she dies." Hange said holding you protectively.

"Ok so I'm going to go" you said not waiting to be apart of this. "I'm to get ready for training" you left and went outside.

It's so beautiful outside

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