Chapter 8

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I was successful able to repair Zach's glider. I had stitched it back in place. Considering the fabric for it was made from the hide of a deer. There was plenty of them near where our old place was. I didn't want to leave me risk getting in trouble just to get some leather.

Hopefully this stitching will hold up while Levi is gliding

I grabbed the gilder and walked out of the room. I made my way back to the place we were practicing hours ago. I saw Levi impatiently tapping his foot. I ran over to him not making him want to wait any longer.

"I fixed the gilder. I'm not sure if the stitching is ok, but I'll watch you carefully just in case" I handed him the glider as he nodded. Going back up to the tree branch Levi put the glider on. I went out of my way to cut any branches in the path. To avoid getting him hurt and damaging the gilder further.

"Ok are you ready?" I put on my gilder and took my position. "Your gliding too?" He asked as I adjusted my gilder. "There's no harm in practice right?" I smiled. "Ok ready, set, GO"

I ran towards the edge of the branch. As I jumped off I put the glider wings out. I positioned my arms out to stable myself. I landed on the ground and turned around to look for Levi. I saw he was not to far. I was looking at the wing of the gilder that I stitched. It looked like it was holding up nice.

He eventually did make it down. I watched as he wobbled side to side gilding all the way down. When he made it down he immediately looked at me. "How did I do" no emotion just a simple question. "You did fine for a beginner" he didn't exactly look pleased by that answer.

I'm assuming he wanted me to tell him he was a natural, but I'm not going to lie to him. "We should head back in. I still need to tell Zach his gilder is out for commission." I turned and began walking back. When I felt a hand grab me.

"Mm?" I hummed looking back at Levi. He quickly let go of my and coughed. "I just want to..." I stood straight in front of him. He looked as if he was embarrassed to say it. "I wanted to thank you". 'The Corporal is thanking me?' "Oh well your welcome."

With that I left to go see Zacha and Mia.

I walked I into the place. The cold air was now replaced with warm air. I walked through the corridors to the dinning hall. I saw Zach and Mia eating while chatting. I walked over to them.

"Hey guys how was your day?" Mia had just finished telling Zach about her day. "Well I guess it was fine. The hand-on-hand training is quite fun. I was training with this guy name Jean. He didn't put much of a fight, but hey at least he tried." Zach laughed as he chewed his bread.

"How was your day y/n we rarely see you" Mia almost sounded sad.

Had you really been neglecting them?

"Ah I'm sorry Mia, I've been helping Hange with her experiments. Then, her and Corporal wanted me to teach them how to use the glider." Mia nodded and she took a spoon full of soup. "Oh that reminds me...". They focused their gaze at me. "Uhh Zach your gilder... it was damaged during the training". Zach's eyes widened at the news of his gilder. "BUT don't worry I was able to fix it" I waved my hands in front of him. He sighed out of relief that his gilder was fine.

"How exactly was it damaged in the first place" he raised his eyebrows at me. "Well you see Corporal tried to gild and he ran into some branches and it had torn the fabric, but I was able to re-patch it." He did not look pleased at all! " fine whatever as long as you fixed it."

Me and Mia looked at each other warily. I just realized.... I FORGOT MY FOOD. Ah great now I'm going to starve. Just, because my idiot self can't remember to get food. I saw that they had closed up the kitchen. I turned to Zach and was able to muster up my best puppy eyes. He looked at my then ate a bit more food. He slide the tray over to me.

I had happily accepted his act of kindness. Mia laughed as she gave me some bread. As I was eating I started thinking about what Mia said earlier. About how I wasn't spending as much time with them. It was true the moment we got here I was busy. Hange kept me busy with experiments and talking. Levi gave me some tasks to do. (Cleaning)

I had decided that I would spend the rest of my day tomorrow with them. We were still family and I couldn't abandon them.

After I had finished we took a small stroll through the halls. We laughed at old memories of our lives outside the walls. Mia talked about how she was excited to go back out. "Y/n what squad are you joining for the expedition?" No one had exactly told me what squad I was in. I assumed med I was in Levi's squad since he asked me. "I'm in Levi's squad" Mia's eyes sparkled with

We parted ways as me and Mia went to our dorms. I laid down on the bed looking out the window. I wonder if the expedition will go ok. I was excited to see the outside the walls again. It had been too long since I've seen a titan, but it felt nice knowing I didn't exactly have to worry about titans at night. I know that we can still be attacked, but it wasn't as bad as being surrounded by them at night. We always had someone be the night watch and had a whole plan in case that it did happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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