Chapter 7

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I woke up to a dark room that was once bright. I sat up from the couch and looked at the fireplace that was now burned out.

Glancing down at the table I saw a cup. I grabbed it and put it to my nose. The scent of mint filled my nose. Mint tea?

I heard the sound of the door clink open. Mia and Zach walked into the room.

"She's finally awake" Zach teased sitting down next to me. Mia lit a candle so it didn't look so dark.

"How long was I asleep?" I searched the room for a sign of the time of day. "Well you missed all of training and lunch" so i slept the rest of the day.

I'm assuming by the tea Corporal came in.

"So did you guys save me any food?" They exchanged a looked as if they forgot. "No but Hange said she would get you a plate" ok so I just have to go see Hange.

"Ok I'll get it later. So, tell me about your day" I smiled at them. I listened to everything they said to me. After they had finished I went to Hange's lab to get my food.

I knocked twice on the door, and then one time slowly. Hange knew that it was me. "Come in" I walked in and saw Hange looking at my glider. She grabbed the tray and handed it to me. I sat down internet he nearest chair watching as she looked at the glider.

"You built this right?" I nodded. She hummed and wrote down something. "How do you use it?Can you make more if we give you the materials?" I noticed that her hands were slightly bruised and dirty.

Did she try and use it?

"The materials for it are hard to get but, I can make more. Using it is a tad difficult. It took us a least a week to master it. I had multiple failed attempts that resulted in me falling." Remembering the times I worried Mia and Zach half to death. They were against the idea at first since it was dangerous.

"Hey Hange I have a question for you" she took her eyes off the glider and looked at me. "Yea what did ya need?" Now that she was looking at me I saw the faded scratches on her face. There was a light bruise on her forehead. "Did you try and use my gilder?" She stiffened up knowing she was caught.

"I'm sorry! Levi wanted to try" she whined pleading to me.

Why would Levi want to use the gilder. What are they getting at

"So how did you guys do?" She shivered a little. "Horribly, absolutely horrible. I fell multiple times, and Levi couldn't even get the glider to stop wobbling" she sighed rubbing her head. I sighed heavily. I admire that they tried but, they could've just asked me to show them.

"I'll show you guys how to use it tomorrow" Hange perked up. "REALLY?!" She had a huge grin on her face. I chuckled at her enthusiasm. "It seems like you guys really want to learn to use it. So I'll teach you." She squealed in glee.

We spent the rest of the time talking about the gilder and how I built it.

-next day- /time skip/morning

I woke up as I saw the sunset peaking through the window. I got dressed in the normal gear. I remember I told Hange I was going to show her and Levi how to use the glider. I went down to the mess hall to get breakfast. I sat down with Mia and Zach.

"Hey y/n awake are we?" Zach smirked at me. I sleep in once and suddenly he thinks I'm awake too late. "Yes Zach I'm still alive" I said sarcastically. Mia had always found it amusing how me and Zach make consistent remarks at each other.

Funny how every time I'm with these guys it feels as if it's just us. There no one else just us three.

"Seems like training is about to start we should head out" Mia said standing up to put her tray away. I quickly finished then did the same. I walked outside looking for Hange and Levi. I spotted them and jogged over.

"Ok you guys ready, since I only have one you guys use Mia and Zach's" I helped them put on the gilder since they had trouble. "Hange that's not the right strap" she had clipped the wrong one together. "Corporal thats not how it works" this is going to be a long day.

I gave Mia's glider to Hange and Zach's to Levi. Mia's is used for casually glider, while me and Zach are used for combat gliding. I had us go higher up into the trees. I first showed the how to put your hands to steady yourself.

"So y/n IS THIS HOW YOU DOOO ITTT" I watched as Hange jumped off the tree and slowly crashed down. "Are you okay?!" I shouted down to her. She gave me a thumbs up and stand down there. I shrugged and turned to Levi.

"So mister Corporal are you going to go or are you going to end up like her down there." He glared at me and looked down.

"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to fall down like an amateur?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Fine then show me your skills"

"Let's race down and will see if you live up to your words Captain" I smirked and him while he huffed at me.





I jumped off the tree and opened the glider. Putting my arms out I steady my body out. I moved through the tree branches by moving my body in the direction I wanted. I looked back to see how Levi was doing.

He was doing terrible. His form was wrong and he was wobbling back and forth. I saw how he tried to avoid the branch instead he hit it and the glider ripped. I put the glider away and use the odm gear. I swung over to him and grabbed him.

I put him back in the ground. Levi got up and removed the glider.

"Your friends glider broke" he said placing it on the ground

"I wonder how it broke. Maybe a raccoon came by and attacked you mid flight" I said looking at the now broken glider.

"That's an absurd scenario how can a raccoon break a gilder mid air"

"What's makes you think they can't? I saw one flying just now" he took a few seconds and glared at me.

"Fix the glider I want to practice again" I sighed looking at the ripped fabric. "I'll have it done by this afternoon" he nodded and walked off.

This is going to be a pain in my ass

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