Part 1

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One last day of school till we can go home for summer break. Don't get me wrong I love summer but I have a very dysfunctional family that don't pay attention to me but they do to my twin due to the fact I'm the younger one, let's get back to the starters hi im Lily-Mae Mikaelson well Liliana but I go as Lily the younger twin of Hope Mikaelson well I wouldn't classify 5 minutes as younger but I guess my family does due to the fact they pay more attention to my twin and act like I don't even exist but you know lets move on with that, I am 14 years old well nearly 15 and I am a quadbrid you might be thinking what that is well I am a banshee, lot of people don't know what that is well I shall shortern it up for you its where it leads me to death and I can sence death but getting along with the rest I am also a vampire that I have unlocked just because of hope and obviously my so called family don't believe me and they all blame it on me but carrying on, witch and a werewolf I also unlocked my werewolf side because of Hope but we good I'll explain more about that later same as my vampire side. As you know when you turn into a hybrid or tribrid or quadbrid you don't need to turn but I do, I have been spelled by not only Esther but Delilah also 100 dead powerfull witches so I have to turn and the curse will break until I find love.

you might be wondering why love well its had for me to find that so they cursed me so it will take longer for me to find, so ive activated my werewolf side since I needed to protect hope, hope this hope that I have started to get enough of people giving hope that attention ive been wanting since the day I was born. I have also activated my vampire side just because of hope  I needed to protect her from the hollow which made me die and come back to life as a quadbrid , she should be able to protect herself but no I need to help her, my banshee side has been activated since I was born and I have read about it in my Grandmothers Grimoires and I have been able to control it but other than being the odd one out its all fine I guess we'll it's not but that's what I always say when people ask me 'how are you' or 'are you okay' so I reply with the simple yes I'm fine...

7 years ago Lily-Maes pov as I go down stairs to look for my dad , I find him saying the one thing that suprises me 'im going to spend some time with my daughter we shall talk about it later' she said and got up, I on the other hand thought he was coming towards me but as I was going to say something he walks passed me and heads upstairs to hope, after that day I notice everyone has been ignoring me and acting like I don't exist.

the only time they notice I exist is when they need me to protect my big twin sister hope from all the bad thing lurking around but other than that im a ghost.

'hey dad can we spend time togeth-' I was about to say before I have gotten interrupted by hope and dad 'soz Liz but im spending time with dad today' said hope 'i need to spend more time with my only daughter' he said not looking at me but at hope smiling.

'i need to spend more time with my only daughter' that phrase dad said has been playing in my head since ages and every night begore bed I would cry till I fall asleep and when its our birthday I need to give hope a gift but I don't get anything except that one time I got a gift from Aunt Davina shes the only one who treats me like a daughter to her not like my real mother.

everytime hope does something wrong she blames me and even if she don't blame me everyone still blames me except auntie Dav and that happens most days even dad tried to rip my heart out with hope smiling and smirking at the same time if not auntie Dav I would have been dead at least 10 times by now. over than that my punishments are clean the whole compound be my sisters maid and bee locked up in the cellar which isn't fun.

Lily Mae ; the forgotten mikaelson {S.M}Where stories live. Discover now