Part 3

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End of Lilys pov

as lara and lily where walking down the hallway they kept getting glares from some less popular girls and the boys where all dribbling over us as we both made our way sassily over to Lydia.

'hey girl so lara that Lydia, Lyds that's lara' said lily introducing them 'you know all the boys are like dribbling over you both you know that right' said Lydia giggling over her best friend and over her new friend 'mhm I really needed this away from my father or shall I say the originals yea im going to say that since I cant be asked to name them all oh and thank god I got away from Hope ugh Hope this Hope that like seriously' said lily groaning 'but good news is my aunt is coming' said lily towards the girls 'bekah no wait freya I KNOW I KNOW DAVINA' said Lara and Lydia of them while laughing at the end 'yes Davina' said lily then smiling.

'i am so confused right now' scott said towards stiles 'how- oh how close friends they are' said stiles acting dumb for the first moment 'yes like Lydia is basically the queen bee at our school or should I say the popular popular kid so im confused' scott said listening to their conversation 'you know its rude to listen to peoples conversation' said the red head girl lily while smirking towards their friends due to the fact they knew about the supernatural world and what lily was 'um what no we could never' scott whispered back while approaching the girls with stiles 'hey you must be new since I never seen you around-' stiles started but he got a smack round the head.

while the girls laugh 'scott maccall' said scott 'stiles stilinski' he said while rubbing his head as lily said 'Lily-Mae' she replied 'Lara May' said the over girl while they both smirked and walked off towards the start of school as scott noticed he couldn't hear a proper heart beat in lily but in lara there was no heart beat. ill ask them both later he thought and went to his first class.

as scott approached maths class as he sees lily and lara approach maths class also so he walked in first and took his seat near stiles and started a convo with him until the teacher came in and interrupted them 'right students we have two new students Lily-Mae and Lara May please make them feel welcomed' as the teacher said that he noticed lily looking at scott and when he made eye contact she blushed and so did he.

as lily sat infront of scott while lara sat next to her with Lydia on the over side of lily they started to talk 'i feel like somethings bad going to happen' stlies said to Lydia and as soon as he said that Lydia turned to her bestfriend and said it so that would mean she would have to exope herself to the supernatural, as lily nodded a yes Lydia turned back to stiles so it don't look suspisious but it was to scott.

until a pack of birds came crashing into the glass making it smash 'EVERYONE GET DOWN' shouted the teacher as Lydia scott stiles and lara where together the birds where around them circling them as lily decided to mutter a spell under her breath lapis et caro per semper, lapis et caro per semper , lapis et caro per semper , lapis et caro per semper after the first two she started chanting louder until the gang except Lydia and lara where staring at her weird and then scott understood she was a witch.

after school

'hey lily' shouted scott 'hey scott right' said lily unsure she got the wrong person 'yes that's me I just wanted to ask if you was ok during math and did you get hurt since you know that was dangerous-' scott started to speak until lily cut him off 'im fine scott and you probably have better questions to ask' she said to him and walked with him off on a walk

'what are you' he asked 'ahhh I knew you would ask that question wolf' lily said and winked at him 'what no-' scott started but got cut of again 'scott im a quadbrid' lily said and laughed at his confused expression 'your a what' he said confused 'i am quarter wolf but im a different kind of wolf compaired to you-' stated lily but got cut of by the one and only stiles 'hey guys what you talking about' he said 'does he know' lily questioned while scott just nodded 'do I know what that your a different kind of werewolf to scott' he repeated 'that and about the supernatural but carrying on stiles you can join us if you like' lily said kindly while walking with both boys ether side of her 'so as you noticed you can barely hear my heart beat-' started lily 'wait your about to die WE NEED AN AMBULANCE' shouted stiles 'no stiles im not going to die dipshit' said lily 'oh ok then what are you-' stiles started 'LET ME EXPLAIN THEN' yelled lily as from then stiles fell quiet and lily continued 'thank you back to what I was saying, you can barely hear my heart beat because im quarter vampire' lily said

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