Part 4

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'hey want to come in' said lily still blushing 'sure lets go' said the tomato which was just scott.

as they both walk inside the mansion they walk into Lily' room and sit on her bed and talk about their past or other things just to get to know eachover 'my family is the worst you could ever meet' said lily groaning 'i bet their not that bad' said scott with a puppy face and a confused face 'they are trust me they all left me for my twin sister who I will say blamed everything on me and took all my credit even though shes just 5 minutes older than me' lily said looking down with a tear tumbling down her cheeks

'hey look at me' said scott softly while putting his index finger under her chin and lifting her head up to look at him 'your all fine they cant find you , you have your aunt and uncle that are coming you have Lara and Lydia and now you have me' he said and slightly blushed when he said that while lily wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug while scott pulled her closer towards him he could feel her heart start to speed up.

1 month later   new Orlands

'im starting to loose hope auntie bex' said hope while cuddling her arm 'im quite sure we all lost hope and wont be looking for her anymore so don't try' whispered her aunt 'but-' hope started 'no buts hope we tried everything we looked everywhere in Mystic Falls here in New Orlands even in New York , theres just no sign of her' said her aunt 'ugh ,then you wonder why she left' hope said but whispered the last bit to herself hopping her aunt wouldn't hear her

'hey hope want to come paint with me' said hopes dad acting like nothing happened and like his other daughter didn't leave him and his family 'no thanks dad I would have better things to do if she was here' said hope while a tear runs freely down her cheek 'oh love were doing everything we can' said Klaus 'you mean you did everything you guys can , if I was the one who would have ran away you guys wouldn't stop looking for me would you?' questioned hope 'hope-' started Klaus 'WOULD YOU ANSWER MY QUESTION DAD' yelled hope that all of her family came down stairs while hope shuffled away from her aunt 'yes but this has nothing to do with you' he said

'YES IT DOES LILY-MAE IS MY YOUNGER TWIN SISTER' she yelled 'HOPE CALM DOWN' yelled Klaus 'NO ONES GOING TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO UNLESS WE FIND MY TWIN OR I WILL ON MY OWN' she yelled and started to storm up the stairs , then she stopped and turned around 'you all should be ashamed of yourselves to stop looking for your daughter and niece' she said and zoomed up the stairs into her room.

hopes pov

after yelling at my family I stormed off up stairs and locked the door , I grabbed my grimoire and started to do a locater spell , but as soon as it started to go towards California the map exploded into fire and ash as I tried and tried it still didn't work so I went to sleep feeling guilty and sad , guilty I pushed my sister away and sad that she hates me.

the next morning

'hey hope' said aunt Rebekah 'hi' I replied groggily 'Elijah have you seen our brother Kol' asked aunt bekah 'no not since last month same as Davina' he said 'mhm lets try and call them' said Rebekah 'its not working these bitches went off without us' said Rebekah mad at them 'well at least there going to find my twin unlike all of you' I said and walked away before they get mad and try and kill me like dad tried with Lily.

end of hopes pov

back in beacon hills

Lilys pov

'hey auntie and uncle im going out with scott' I said 'ok oh and tell derek to move his ass here thanks darling' said uncle Kol 'will do uncle' I said and laughed.

Lily Mae ; the forgotten mikaelson {S.M}Where stories live. Discover now