Part 5

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End of Lilys Pov
As you all go out on a walk you notice some kids bullying another red head 'haha orphan' said a Brown hair 'eww who let the gingers in' said a blond 'hey guys I'll be right back' said lily while making her way over to them kids 'hey leave her alone' said lily while Scott and the rest where observing her actions 'oh another ginger' said a the blond boy 'actually I am a red head but you know' she said while noticing there werewolfs

as she smirked she sowed her hybrid face which made them rund away shouting sorry 'WERE SORRY DONT KILL US' they said while the pack was laughing 'hey you ok'  asked lily towards the girl about her age 'yes i am thank you , i better get back to my niece' she thanked Lily and left as lily walked back to the pack the rest where astonished 'hey stop dribbling she will notice' whispered stiles which scott just gave him a death stare while walking over to lily and giving here a hug and a kiss on the forehead

'let go back im bored' said lara with a smile for the future couple.

4 years later

'hey Lils lets go to school' said scott while giving Lily a kiss 'oh but i don't want to' said Lily pouting

'fine' she said while waving goodbye to her uncle and aunt 'bye guys' she said overdramatically'bye darling' said kol 'take care of her squat' kol said smiling

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'fine' she said while waving goodbye to her uncle and aunt 'bye guys' she said overdramatically'bye darling' said kol 'take care of her squat' kol said smiling

'fine' she said while waving goodbye to her uncle and aunt 'bye guys' she said overdramatically'bye darling' said kol 'take care of her squat' kol said smiling

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All Scott did was nod and smile 'bye kids' said Davina as lily got into Scott's car 'let's go' said lily while playing music.
As they arrived at school hand in hand they walked through the hallway to find the pack 'hey guys' said Lily while smiling 'hey lilzzy' said Lydia while laughing at her reaction 'hey lilz' said Lara and Isaac 'where's Liam' asked lily 'he's not here yet' said Lara 'oh ok let's go to class shall we' said lily
After school
'Hey Scott can I borrow you for a second' said Lydia 'yes Lydia' said Scott confused 'I cracked the first 5 on the deadpool...' explained Lydia 'so who's first' questioned Scott 'have a look yourself' said Lydia while giving Scott the list
'Wait lily is on it' said Scott 'are you sure' he said worried 'yes and her sister right' said confused 'yes that's her sister' said Scott 'why is lily and hope on this' said Scott confused and worried for his love 'lily is the most powerful creature on earth or to ever exist due to the fact she found her love of her life , you , and she doesn't have to turn anymore so that makes her even more powerful and her sister is the 2nd most powerful creature on earth' explained Lydia
'We need to tell lily-' started Lydia but got cut off by lily herself 'tell me what' she said 'um well Lydia cracked the first 4 on the dead pool list' said Scott giving Lydia a glare on not to tell her 'so who's on it' she said 'me , your sister , Lara and Lydia' said Scott 'my sister as in Hope' she said 'yes your sister' confirmed Lydia while trying to keep her mouth shut.

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