Part 9

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hopes pov

as we all heard Lily threaten us , I could see the look Scott was giving us a 'don't-or-she-will-lash-out' look like trying to tell us that shes not afraid to lash out on us

after that they both went inside to look for marcel well Lily did leaving us with our mouths open as mum said 'lets go and try something else' she said that with guilt laced with her voice

as we walked away I noticed a few tears escaping my eyes and falling down my face trying to create river but I stopped it happening

ends of hopes pov

3rd person

'shes so annoying' said Lily aiming it hope 'what did she do now' asked Davina 'well shes jelly of me for dating Scott' said Lily while rolling her eyes 'and whys that' questioned Isaac 'because Scott is an alpha or since shes dating Landon' said Lily smirking at the last bit she said

'whats wrong with Landon' said Lara 'oh never mind' said Lara laughing leaving everyone confused except Lily 'ok then' said Kol moving on from that 'hey whens the game?' questioned Lara 'Oh shit' said Lily 'LANGUAGE LILIANA' said Marcel 'wait your real names Liliana' questioned Isaac 'sadly' said Lily 'but I go as Lily not Liliana' said Lily while Isaac nodded

'the games today' said Lily and Hope at the same time but different places 'lets go we need to get ready' said Scott to the boys while they nodded 'you coming Lila' questioned Scott 'yea , BYE AUNTIE AND ANKLE' yelled Lily 'SEE YOU AT THE GAME' yelled Davina back 'SERIOUSLY ANKLE EXCEPT UNCLE BUT OK THEN DARLING' said Kol and signed

10 minutes before the game

'SCOTT' yelled Lily 'LILY' yelled Scott back while laughing 'im here Lils' said Scott while opening his arms for her to run into them , and she did as he expected 'yes' he said looking down at the girl in his arms

'so I just wanted to say good luck' said Lily smiling while looking down why do I got to be so small thought Lily while Scott replied to her comment

'well my dear Lily I already had luck due to the fact I have the best girlfriend there to cheer me on' he said still smiling at me , and at that time someone interrupted there moment

you might have already guessed who it was


'yo guys' said Stiles jumping on Scott' back 'seriously Sti' said Lily groaning mentally and physically 'ima steal your manz if I want to' said Stiles with a proud look 'if you steal my man then I might just steal your girl' said Lily cheekily 'you already did' he said mentally groaning

'oh ha ha ha your so funny Sti , but its true' said Lily sarcastically 'see told you' exclaimed Stiles while jumping off Scott' back

before Lily opened her mouth coach decided to jump in and say 'Lily you ready' he said exited to win 'give me 5 more minutes' said Lily while coach groaned 'fine 2 minutes' said Lily shortening her time with Scott and Stiles

'fine' said coach as he mentally shook his head 'bye good luck you-' started Lily and pointed at her boyfriend '-don't get hurt on the field and look after Liam please thank you-' said Lily '-you come on' said Lily pointing at Stiles

as Lily gave Scott a Kiss and walked off with Stiles to coach 'have fun out there Lils' said Stiles giving Lily a hug and mumbling over things 'will do see you out there Sti' said Lily walking towards Coach 'took you long enough' said Coach giving her a Microphone

'GOOD EVENING LADIES AND GENTILMEN' yelled Lily while getting lots of cheers in return 'today is the second match of Beacon Hills High and Devenford prep private school' exclaimed Lily seeing her so called family in the crowd

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