Part 15

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Before starting the chapter I just wanted to say that this is going to be the final chapter unless you guys want me to carry on then there will be another chapter

'Hi my names Isaac' said Isaac extending his hand to lily 'Lily nice to meet you' she said shaking his hand 'now after that introduction what do you guys want to do' said stiles exited that the two finally met

'How about we go annoy Derek?' Questioned lily 'I don't think that's a good idea...' trailed off stiles making an unsure face while Isaac was making an unconvinced face 'oh come on he won't be pissed' said Lily knowing he will , getting stiles to finally give in and they left to dereks loft

'What's this going to do' said Lily 'making you remember  other first time we met' said Isaac making eye contact with lily 'and hopefully turn your humanity back on' he mumbled to himself hopefully Lily didn't hear it and for his luck she didn't

'Hey Derekkkkk' Lily sung his name as she and the boys both entered the loft 'lily' said derek unsure on what's going on making Lily smirk 'Pete' said Lily towards Peter 'Lilian' said Peter making Lily pout 'GERONIMO' yelled lily jumping on dereks back and laughing like a child

'LILYYY' grumbled derek as she scruffed up his hair making all the boys hold in their laughter until Peter couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed making lily laugh more

'I- my- stomach' Lily pronounced the words she can get out through her laughing.

'I still don't get the point of this' said Lily acting tired even though deep down she can feel her heart warming up 'well dear lily if this isn't going to work then this will' said Damon coming into view.

'Damon please stay with me not with Katerina' said Lily begging 'mhm I would have to see NO' said Damon 'and her names Elena not Katherine but what do you know right' said Damon rolling his eyes 'so you would rather be with someone you knew for less than a year than your best friend who you knew since birth well mine but that still doesn't change the fact day'

Said Lily with watery eyes 'Lily I helped you escape from your parents for 60 years since they thought you died' said Damon 'I know and that I'm great full for' said Lily letting a tear slip out 'you know what I wish I never took you in' said Damon making lily burst into tears

And there it was a tear 'got your humanity back on' said Damon 'no i was getting emotional from the brilliant show you put on' said Lily whipping her tear 'well if this isn't going to turn it back on then this will' said Damon.

'Hayley' said Damon nodding his head at her 'Damon please your her only hope' said Hayley getting baby Lily out of the pram 'what am I supposed to do with this' said Damon looking at lily 'one 'this' is a girl and her names lily two I want you too look after her' said Hayley

'No way I'm not looking after Klaus Mikaelsons baby' said Damon clenching his jaw 'please Damon she still has hope in her life' said Hayley giving the child to him making him relax and nod 'fine' he said and left

'Thank you' was all Damon heard before he left away with baby Lily in his arms.

'Wait so you where a vampire before the whole thing happened' said Scott confused making Lily nod while another tear slipped down her cheeks 'so your not really hopes twin are you' questioned Isaac

'I mean we where born on the same day , month and time except year so I guess you could say we're kind off twins' said Lily shrugging 'oh' was all Isaac said making Lily nod her head 'wait how was she alive then and now' said Scott confused

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