Part 6

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so I got out of bed and made my way down stairs to inform Dad about it 'hey auntie fray have you seen dad somewhere' I questioned my aunt 'no I haven't hope whats wrong' she asked as I took in a deep breath and started telling her about it 'so I had this random vision of this red head girl and I feel like I know her from somewhere but I don't recognise her' I said in one breath 'mhm let me see this vision' said aunt freya while I give her my hand and she got taken into tat vision 'hey hope have you seen Freya-' started Hayley 'oh god whats wrong' yelped Hayley in concern which made klaus and Elijah and Rebekah come down 'what the bloody hell is going on' asked Rebekah and then she saw her older sister and she had her mouth wide open.

after a few moments later freya came back to consciousness and gasped 'what is it dear sister' questioned Elijah 'it cant be' she said ignoring Elijah' question 'what is it Freya' said Klaus 'i-I think I found her' she replied 'who freya , who did you find' said Hayley in hopes its her daughter 'Lily-Mae' is all freya said for Hayley to burst out in tears 'where' is all Hayley managed to say 'i don't know yet hopes vision was short , unless we go to mystic falls and get the witches to do a spell including me and hope so we could get into Lilys memories and find the right place' replied freya too which they agreed on 'ok lets go pack your bags since when we find the place where not stopping' explained Klaus while walking away.

in Mystic Falls

'ALARIC SALTZMAN' yelled Dad while walking into the boarding school 'Klaus Mikaelson what do I own this pleasure' Alaric said while walking over to us 'so we might have found Lily' said Freya , as she said that Alaric replied 'how can I help' as soon as he said that dad said 'we need Josie , Lizzie and a few witches including me and hope to go into Lilys memories and find where she is' said freya 'alaric whats going on here-' Caroline started 'They might found lily' was all alaric said for caroline to have tears in her eyes 'how are we going to help' asked caroline 'as I said to alaric we would need josie and lizzie with a few other witches including me and hope to go into lilys memories and find her' said freya

'LIZZIE , JOSIE COME HERE AND BRING SOME GOOD QUALIFIED WITCHES THAT KNOW WHAT THERE DOING' yelled caroline 'damn so your saying that some of them arnt good' dad teased 'im not saying that klaus im saying they don't have control' replied caroline while some witches arrived and freya told them what to do and they started the spell

end of hopes pov

in Lilys memories

'hey look theres doors , let me pick one' said klaus 'niklaus don't-' but before Elijah could say something it led them to a memory

memory 1

'hey coach do you guys have a cheerleading team' asked Lily 'no lily we don't actually have one why' asked coach finstock 'goodie im going to make one' said Lily happy 'um ok you do that , have you even asked princible' he questioned the small girl 'yes I have actually coach' said lily 'ok then you do that lil lily' he said and smiled , after her said that she smiled back.

'what did you do now' questioned lara 'nothing im just the captain of the cheer team' she smiled 'have you seen scott' lily questioned 'no the last time I have seen him was 1 hour ago with stiles looking for you' she said 'oh ok well see you later im gonna go find them both tell lyds I said hi' lily said and left.

'damn shes gorgeous' said hope 'shes a baddie I like it' remarked Rebekah 'my baby is all grown up now' Hayley whispered 'who the hell is scott and stiles and lyds' said klaus 'and why is lara there' asked Elijah 'lets find out' said hope opening another door the one bad one...

memory 2

'hey scott , hey Lydia' said lily 'hi lils' said scott going up to her and kissing her 'anyone else on the dead pool list' asked lily 'yes want the whole list' asked Lydia ' sure' she said while Lydia gave her the list while the mikaelsons read they couldn't believe hope was on it also

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