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Sorry today or tomorrow I won't be able to update the story well tomorrow I might I would have to see if I have time and if my internet won't die on me like it did today so then I might have to use my mobile data

I am really sorry about this situation and I promise I will get back on track with this as soon as my internet is fixed

Give me some ideas on what I should do for the next chapter or chapters

So if i Will be able to update then I will have the idea on what to do!

Thank you for reading my story , please stay safe due to the pandemic and if anyone of you or your family has the virus I'm sending preyers

I might not be able to reply but I will try my best , don't forget your loved and your not alone on this world , if you want to talk to someone message me privately and I'll give you my IG since my DMs are always open to talk to!

Love Jess ♡

Lily Mae ; the forgotten mikaelson {S.M}Where stories live. Discover now