Love you

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                      I'm not  good at writing and my grammar might suck.

Timeline: probably after Win and Team started dating.

Team and Win were lying beside each other on their bed facing the ceiling getting ready to sleep, but not feeling sleepy yet. Since, it was Saturday, having nothing much to do, they went out for movie and lunch, spending whole day strolling out, which had ended up with a visit to Pharm and Dean's place. Pharm being too nice, made special dinner for his guests, finishing the wonderful dinner and thanking the host, they returned back home straight. Even though, they had spent almost, the whole day out, they still didn't feel much tired. Now, here they're freshly showered, resting comfortably on their bed. After a few minutes there comes the ruffling sound of the duvet. In the peripheral vision, Win saw Team Lifting on his elbow, and resting his head on his palm. Then, the elder returns back his sight just to stare at the same simple white ceiling above them. Team, with his right thumb started soothing the imaginary frown on the other's forehead, which pulled some automatic responses, eyes shutting and a small smile on Win's lips. Especially, that smile never missed to get any reaction from Team, at least the copy of it. And that's how, it caused Team to take a slow deep breathe, now. Closely observing the handsome face in front of him, he said," hia ", Win just hummed, as his only reply. Sighing loudly, Team continues," hia, I love you", it was more like a whisper but the senior had heard it clearly. Win's eyes peeled open and looked the younger, at the sudden confession, with the already existing smile extending all towards his ears making Team to blush a little. As Win lifted himself turning to face the other, Team shoved his hand on Win's chest shyly. That made the senior to laugh with happiness. Now, Team's hand landed on the senior's bare chest, since, both were already half-naked lying topless. He resumed the talk," hia, you don't know how much I wished that I had someone to love or how much I had longed for that someone to love me, in the past, but now '', he was blushing to the point where his cheeks, ears, and neck are all red by now, "I have you ,...caring about me, doing things more than I could ever ask for me, loving me,'' sighed he paused for a second "like you are here with me whenever I need you, I just couldn't believe, you know, at times, I really, wonder whether I'm in my dreamland. You're... you're full of that everything I want in my life, hia, you're my everything," and their eyes were locked with each other's, "all I need in my life is only you, I love you, I have never thought that I could love someone this much, I just don't  know how to say it, all I could say now is, I love you, I love you, hia". He finished without realizing that his tears were flowing throughout his emotional confession. All the while when Team was speaking, the senior keenly noted every bit of facial expression of the other from his cheeks blushing to eyebrows frowning to lips trembling, as if he was mesmerized by the others beauty which happens often. In the end, he was totally shocked and surprised, shifting himself, he sat closer to his lover, gently wiping away the tears with his long slender fingers; worrying about the vulnerable state of his love, but, at same time, his heart was overwhelmed, just like he have achieved something that no one could ever achieve and felt proud that he was the one who took that special spot as lover in Team's heart. Pulling the younger closer as much as possible, he laid his lover's head on his bare chest, wrapping one hand around the younger's waist and using the other, he gently stroked his soft, smooth, silky black hair that calmed the kid which the senior knew very well. As the tears nearly stopped turning into sniffles, the younger hugged his hia tightly not wanting to let him go anytime soon, not only from the bed but from his life too. Reciprocating the same action, the senior said," I love you, Team" tears already forming in his. He never expected Team would confess to him, like he literally didn't expect this sudden confession, it spread a reassuring warmth inside, out-casting the tiny bit of insecurity present in his mind. "I want to confess the same to you, Team, though I express my love often, I couldn't completely convey that to you, You never knew how much you mean to me, just wait a little more and one day I'll definitely show you that you're my world, with your command I'll give up everything and surrender myself to you, just one word, I'll do anything for you, my love", the senior thought in his mind. After spending sometime relaxing in silence, their eyes started to draw them to a peaceful sleep, placing a promising kiss on young one's forehead, a habit he has developed being with Team: that made the younger to snuggle even more, seeking the other's warmth. They exchanged good nights and took off to meet again in their dreamland.

Guys please point out the mistakes I've made...

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