Miss you

630 16 2

'Ding dong' the doorbell rang. 'Hia can you get that' Team called out while focusing more on the game he was playing on his mobile.

'Ding dong' again came the sound. 'Hiaaa' he yelled. Then, it dawned in his mind, hia was not there. Sighing, he slowly put down his mobile on the table in front of him, rising up from the couch, he took his wallet and sluggishly walked to the door. Opening it he got the pizza he had ordered from the delivery boy and paid him. Once he closed the door, he  sauntered back to the dining. The deafening silence in the apartment reminded him, he was alone in their apartment. He missed that person, his boyfriend, his lover, Win. It has been a day, since Win was gone leaving him alone. There was no Win...







Having nothing to do, finishing the pizza, Team resumed playing on his mobile. As time went on he started getting bored and things around him only aroused the memory of the other person absent there. Thinking on what he should do for more than 15 minutes, finally giving up thinking about it, he sighed massaging his temples. It was not like he was dull and can't bring up any proper idea to divert himself cause nothing could help him with that. He seriously needed some real distraction which he was certain that he won't get if he stayed in that apartment. So he decided to spend the rest of the day with his best friend Pharm because probably by this time, he would be free, trying some of his new recipes and also Team could hang out with him for remaining days until the said friend flies to America on Friday. Letting Pharm knew about his plan, he left his place and drove to Pharm's.

But before that he texted someone.

Team: hia

Sent 11.30 am

Team: how are you doing?

Sent 11.35 am

Team: its boooooring here...

Sent 11.45 am

Team: busy??

Sent 12 noon

Win has gone to his home as his father called on him, asking him to come over and assist him in solving the issues that has been going on, in their business recently and it was a summer break. Originally the boys had planned to spend a week together before going to their own homes for Songkran. But suddenly the plan had to be changed when Win's dad had called him on the weekend informing him about the current situation and how much his help was needed there. So, Win had left early morning on the previous day, promising him that he would spend time with his love after the visit.

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