My everything

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                                                                              Part - II

Continuation of 'Was it a mistake? -  Part II'

Team's pov

               By the time I woke up groggily, it was already late afternoon. The sun was radiant, clearly boasting on its heat. I guess I nearly had 2 or 3 hours of sleep, I was not sure of the timing. I didn't have work or training today for distraction, I had this day for myself. Sighing I got up from my bed, removing my clothes off, I took a comfort wear for me from the closet which was nothing but a black shorts.

                 My throat was too dry from dehydration, it pained even to swallow my saliva, I needed water. When I lazily dragged my foot to the kitchen, I saw myself in the mirror on the hallway, one word terrible that's how I looked; hair messed up like a cat had styled it, my eyes swollen red, cheeks puffed and painted with my dried tears strains. Sighing again I grabbed a bottle of cold water from the refrigerator and almost emptied the bottle. Returning to the living room, I switched on the Tv slumping on the couch to watch the random channel that popped up initially.

               There was dullness in my head with rising head ache, I couldn't bear that. It felt as if someone was hitting from inside my head heavily. Not caring to turn off the Tv, laying on the couch I closed my eyes. I didn't know when I dozed off and only got up from the sound of a bird chirping by the window. It was already late evening; I could hear the birds returning to their homes.

               Rubbing my face, I slowly sat up. At the same time, my stomach grumbled angrily with hunger since I ate nothing from the morning after that coffee. I was not in the state both physically and mentally to go out nor take an order, so I decided to make instant noodles. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the noodles pack out from the cupboard. Letting the water boil, I turned on the tap soon the water rushed down in the sink. I stood there staring unconsciously for... I lost count of the time. Awhile later, I recovered and splashed handful of water on my face quite few times until I felt refreshed.

               When  the noodles was done and ready to be served, I transferred it to a bowl and took it to the balcony. Whenever I was free in my room, I would sit there, the view was usually good especially on the evening, the sky brushed in all of those pleasant shades of colours- orange, pink, and purple to blue no work of any artist could beat this masterpiece. I already had bought a small table and chair for the purpose of taking glimpse at that wonderful sight from there; I had placed it in left corner facing outside to provide a clear view. I sat there observing the surroundings silently while having the noodles.

                     The sky had turned dark now. As usual the city was busy with the sound of rushing traffic, people engaged with their weekend events.

Finishing the food, I dumped all the utensils in the sink deciding to wash it later and sauntered back to my room. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I reached for my mobile that had been left out from the morning on the table. Contemplating whether to or not I dialed the number, the one I had received at least 10 missed calls from the afternoon. Within few rings the call was responded, so he was waiting for it. Sighing I spoke, "Hey".

Phone conversation:

Pharm: Team, are you alright?

Me : Yeah

Pharm: I'm sor-

Me : No sorry, you had already told me the reason.

Pharm : But –

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