What is this feeling...?

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No one's pov:

During ****** interview show...

Mc: Actually love is beautiful but when it comes to gender and sexuality what do you think about it?

Prem : I think gender is not a problem, because it's the person that matters for me like whom I want to be with...

Mc : So you can be happy and understand each other.

Prem : Yeah, yeah that's right.

Mc : Could it be Boun?

Mc : Boun what do you think, will Prem say yes?

Boun: Uh... I... Prem...

Prem : Umm...There is a chance, if you ask me now... how do I decide... I can't answer 100%...let's see in the future...

Mc : Wow

Boun's pov:

Mc: Actually love is beautiful but when it comes to gender and sexuality what do you think about it?

"Seriously why it's all about our private life, why do they even bother, can't they leave us alone. Give us some privacy, we didn't sign up for this. I can't even express my anger in front of the camera, orelse this live show might become a total disaster. Possible worst scenario our company's may blacklist not only me, Prem too is at risk urghh. But... um..
I do want to know what is Prem's thought on this, we are close yet this is something off the topics we usually chat about. So I'm quiet eager to know. "

Prem : I think gender is not a problem, because it's the person that matters for me like whom I want to be with...

"Wow unexpected from Prem, never thought he is open minded on this subject. Glad I got know to this, I keep my words to myself."

Mc : So you can be happy and understand each other.

Prem : Yeah, yeah that's right.

"Ok so you got the answer, now stop with this nonsense script. I'm not rolling my eyes, not really, atleast not facing the camera."

Mc : Could it be Boun?

"What why are you dragging me in this, my dumbass mind make sure you remind me to kill the script writer later. Oh god, if this show goes on like this, no doubt I'm going to be the serial killer, hot in the flash news. God, don't make me do that.

Mc : Boun what do you think, will Prem say yes?

"Ugh... I..." I stammered searching for a reply. Lord have some mercy on us. "Prem...P" I looked at him, my palms have turned cold from the sweat. Wait why am I nervous all of the sudden... why is my heart beating so fast. Just in time, Prem rescued me.

Prem : Umm... There is a chance, if you ask me now... how do I decide... I can't answer 100%...let's see in the future...

"Why do I feel so relieved and happy, also exicted... what is with him side eyeing me...and that smile... what is this feeling... what is happening to me... what...why did I wanted him to say yes... what the... why... why am I feeling warm..."

Mc : Wow

"Stop it Boun, stop blushing... wait am I blushing... oh god stop it. What will our fans think about if anyone notice this. Already they are spreading rumours. Ah and their own imagination as if they have known us personally for years. I don't want do anything to add on to their imagination. Please stop my stupid self, have some self control atleast don't blush in front of the camera... ok calm down 1 2 3 breath in... breath out... slowly... yeah..."

Mc : Our lovely audience and viewers we have come to the end of today's episode, see you guys in part 2 of this episode don't miss it. Please keep supporting our growing stars Boun and Prem.

Boun, Prem: Thank you guys, keep supporting us.

"Ufff I really need a break thankfully. "

Got this idea from their interview, I couldn't find it now or else would've had added the link here. Also I don't ship them in real, not only them but all the bl actors. I support them all, still won't ship them until they themselves come out us real couple. So, please no hate comments, this is just a fictional story.

And I'm using my phone for updates, if you find any mistakes kindly point it out, I'll edit later.

Thank you all my dear readers for your support. I'm not sure if you people like my work, I'll try my best guys.
Thanks again.

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